The Revenge of Excalibur

Free The Revenge of Excalibur by Sahara Foley

Book: The Revenge of Excalibur by Sahara Foley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sahara Foley
to burn the smug look off of Olso's face.
    Olso gave a sorrowful sigh, a tear forming in the corner of one eye. “We were wrong. After I had my brain installed into
, I had access to all the data banks. Before
returned back to Calen, with her Rem brains called The One, they sat for years in a vast part of space totally devoid of any life forms. The Planet Destroyers had already passed through, absorbing everything in their path.
    “With their immense scanning abilities, The One probed for miles, looking for answers. What they discovered was incredible. The One was still in the process of computing its findings when it finally obeyed the captain's orders to return to Calen. Once
arrived, the brains were dismantled, never having the opportunity to relay its discovery. That information lay dormant in the computer databases until I linked with the ship, many years later. When Emeara neared the end of her life cycle, I contacted her, and told her of my hypothesis. She agreed to link her brain to
, and we started our search for the truth.”
    I'm sure it didn't take much persuasion,
Pam thought with a snicker.
Hmm, would you rather be dead, or a ship? I think I'd choose the latter.
Pam glanced back at Olso.
Imagine spending eternity with that bitch. No way.
She'd have to find some way to dump her sorry ass brain off somewhere. A mischievous smile spread across her face.
    “So, what was this incredible discovery The One made?” Pam was thirsty, so she thought of a cold glass of iced tea, and one materialized in her hand. She took a long swallow, feeling the cool liquid slide down her throat.
    The two faces blinked at her with wide eyes. “Arthur is the only Human we've known who could teleport items on a whim,” Emeara explained. “There has never been anyone on Calen who could perform such a feat. We thought the prophesy was about him. Maybe we have been wrong. Since Arthur has been King, the changes foretold have not come true. Maybe you are also a part of the prophesy.”
    It was Pam's turn to blink back at them in surprise. She shook her head. “No, I don't think so. I can barely manage my own life. I don't see how I can help anyone else.”
    “Yet, you are here,”
said in unison.
    Pam held up her hand. “Look, I'm not going to argue about a stupid prophesy, especially since I didn't come here by choice.” She stared meaningfully at Olso. “Can we get on with your story? The sooner it's told, the sooner we can go save my dad.”
    “The people destiny lays a hand upon have no choice,”
said. “You either accept it, or deny it. Either way, your life will still move forward to where destiny takes you.”
    “Whatever,” Pam muttered, tapping her fingers on the arm rest of the chair.
    “You must understand,” Emeara continued, “we were unable to commence our search until many generations after the Planet Destroyers were imprisoned. Our children's children grew up fearing them. We kept a watchful eye for their return, always terrified, that one day, more would show up.
    “Once I was ensconced in
, we traveled to the point in our universe where The One documented the vast space devoid of life. For there, lay the truth. That lifeless part of space touched right on the brink of another universe, much different from our own. It was smaller in dimension, and filled with energy beings, much like the Planet Destroyers. Their true form was dark, energy clouds, but they could shift into any shape they chose. As we monitored these beings, we saw many of them slipping back and forth between the two universes. Several came to investigate
. From these curious life forms, we learned about their history.
    “They refer to themselves as Shalits. They are highly intelligent, with powerful psychic abilities, and are a spacefaring, peaceful race.”
    “How peaceful can they be,” interjected Pam, “when they go around devouring everything in sight?”
    “That was the crux of the

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