The Inn at Misty Lake: Book Two in the Misty Lake Series

Free The Inn at Misty Lake: Book Two in the Misty Lake Series by Margaret Standafer

Book: The Inn at Misty Lake: Book Two in the Misty Lake Series by Margaret Standafer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Margaret Standafer
probably heading to New York or Los Angeles or somewhere, and adopting a completely different lifestyle.”
    “That’s about right. I’m not sure it’s me. A few years ago I would have jumped at the chance. When I first started out I dreamed of an opportunity like this. Now? I do a good business, I’m near my family, I’m happy, content. Makes me sound old and boring, doesn’t it?”
    “No, it makes you sound like you know what you want, what makes you happy.”
    Frank shrugged. “I have some time to think about it. My submission wouldn’t be due until spring.”
    Susan laid a hand on his arm and smiled. “Then think about it. I’m sure you’ll come to the right decision.”
    “You really need to give him a name,” Riley said as they watched the dog race in circles trying to catch his tail.
    “I know, I’ve just been afraid to. If I name him it seems permanent and I’ve been so afraid someone is going to claim him.” It had been almost two weeks and though she was cautiously hopeful, Susan still couldn’t shake the feeling that she’d wake up one morning to a message that someone had lost a dog matching his description.
    “Doc said two weeks, we’re almost there.”
    “You’re right. Let’s name him right now. I can’t keep calling him puppy and sweetie.”
    “No, you can’t. He’s going to start to be embarrassed in front of his friends.”
    That got a chuckle out of Susan. “Do you have any suggestions?”
    “I don’t want to influence you. What have you been thinking?”
    “Well, I’ve tossed around a couple of ideas.” She hesitated then said, “I was thinking Chewie after Chewbacca and because that’s what he seems to love to do, but I’ve kind of already talked myself out of it.”
    Riley nodded in agreement. “What else?”
    “Barney, but he seems to have too much energy for a Barney.”
    “Agreed. Next?”
    “I’ve considered Marvin, Finley, Harley, and Gus but nothing sounds quite right.”
    Riley watched the dog that had now lost interest in his tail and was racing in circles in the yard for no discernable reason. “He does have a lot of energy.” Riley thought for a moment. “What about instead of Gus, Gusto?”
    “Gusto.” Susan tried it out, repeated it a couple of times, then called the dog. “Gusto, come!” He looked up, stumbled a little, his racing in circles apparently having left him slightly dizzy, then bounded toward Susan and ran headlong into her legs.
    “He seems to like it,” Riley laughed.
    “I think you’re right. We have a winner, Gusto it is.” Susan bent to pick up the dog, already more difficult than it had been a couple of weeks ago, and held him towards Riley. “Give him a kiss and tell him thank you for your name.”
    The dog obediently nuzzled Riley and licked his chin. “He sure loves you,” Susan said to Riley who now had the dog in his arms.
    Riley could tell by the tone of her voice she was building up to something. He waited her out. She kicked at some dried leaves, picked up a stick and broke it in half, zipped up her jacket, and pulled her phone out of her pocket to snap a picture of Riley holding Gusto before finally speaking again.
    “I was wondering, since he likes you so much and since you’re here so much during the day…I know it would be a lot of work and I understand you’re busy, but he’s so comfortable around you and I hate to leave him at a kennel so soon after taking him in…”
    He finally took pity on her. “Do you want me to keep him while you go to Chicago?”
    The tension seemed to dissolve from Susan’s shoulders. “Oh, Riley, would you? Jake’s going to be staying at Sam’s to watch Rigi and Sam said I could leave him there, but Jake will be gone long hours sometimes. Rigi can handle it but Gusto’s just a baby and still getting used to everything. I hate the thought of leaving him in his crate all day. Not that you can’t put him in the crate when he’s here, you can, he likes it fine,

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