Vampire Lies (Blood and Snow Season Book 1)

Free Vampire Lies (Blood and Snow Season Book 1) by Rashelle Workman

Book: Vampire Lies (Blood and Snow Season Book 1) by Rashelle Workman Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rashelle Workman
    “ Just toss everything in my locker,” Abby said, understanding.
    “Okay.” I set my shoes at the bottom next to her ankle boots and then turned so that I faced Abby, unzipped my skirt and put on the black shorts. So far so good. I stood slightly and unbuttoned my shirt, pulling it off. Abby didn’t look away like I had. She took in my curves and my bra.
    “Thanks.” I tried not to look embarrassed. I picked up the shirt and went to pull it over my head.
    Someone gasped. “That’s a big freakin’ tattoo.”
    My shoulders slumped. I should’ve known I wouldn’t get away with it.
    Abby glanced in the direction of the voice. I’d spent enough time with Sydney already to know the voice belonged to her.
    “What tattoo?” Abby stood.
    I put my back against the lockers and quickly pulled the black shirt over my head.
    Sydney came over. Abby gave me a strange look.
    “Are you old enough to have a tattoo?” Sydney asked.
    “I’m almost sixteen.”
    “Where is it ?” Abby asked, looking surprised.
    “It’s on her back. A tattoo of wings .” Sydney spun me toward Abby. “Check it out. The new girl is baaaaaad.” As she spoke she lifted my shirt.
    Abby gasped. “Wow, it almost looks real.” She lifted my shirt higher.
    Blood rushed to my face. I was mortified.
    “Can I touch it?” Abby asked. Her voice was a whispered awe.
    My mortification gauge flew off the chart. “Sure.” I swallowed.
    “Me too?”
    I hung my head. “Yep.” No point saying no. I had a feeling if I didn’t let them check it out now, they’d bug me later and later there might be more people around.
    “Whoa, the outline almost feels like real feathers.” Abby traced the outline with her fingers.
    “ It does.”
    “What in tarnation is going on in here?”
    The three of us jumped. Abby and Sydney helped pull my shirt down.
    Mrs. Hadley had her hands on her hips . “Let’s go, ladies.”
    I quickly put my shoes and socks on. Then went through the door Sydney and Abby had already followed the teacher through.

    Chapter 13
    Gym class was easy after the show and tell with Abby and Sydney. Troy, the boy who’d smacked me in the forehead with the door, was also there.
    “Small world,” he said, running past with another guy.
    Mrs. Hadley blew her whistle. That meant we needed to gather around. I followed after Abby. At first I worried she or Sydney would treat me differently. If anything, my tattoo seemed to have upped my coolness factor.
    When Mrs. Hadley called Sydney and Troy up to be the captains in a game of volleyball, Sydney picked me first.
    Troy seemed disappointed. “I wanted you, Jack.”
    I felt my cheek heat up. “No you d on’t. Trust me. I don’t know how to play volleyball.”
    “What?” Sydney gave me an evil glare. “You ’d better stay out of the way then.”
    Coolness factor back to zero, I thought.
    Once teams were picked, we went to a net. The first set of people rotated in. That meant me. Troy was in the back serving. The ball went over the net and over my head and landed on the floor in front of another girl. 
    “That was yours, Jack!” Sydney shouted.
    I thought maybe it should’ve been the other girl’s, but I didn’t know the rules to the game. “Sorry,” I said.
    Our team rotated so that I was no longer in the middle but on the right. Troy served the ball again. This time it went right to Sydney. She put her hands together, bent her knees slightly and bumped the ball in the air. The n the girl standing in the middle tossed the ball in the air.
    “Spike it,” she yelled in my direction.
    The ball was coming down fast. “I don’t know what that means,” I said, but copied what Sydney had done and bumped it over the net.
    The girl in the middle looked at Sydney. “Why’d you pick her?” She shook her head in disgust.
    Sydney made a face. “Shut it, Bree.”
    Coolness factor has now reached a negative ten.
    I was glad the person on

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