The Harrison: A Beautiful Place to Die (Madeline Donovan Mysteries Book 2)

Free The Harrison: A Beautiful Place to Die (Madeline Donovan Mysteries Book 2) by Madison Kent

Book: The Harrison: A Beautiful Place to Die (Madeline Donovan Mysteries Book 2) by Madison Kent Read Free Book Online
Authors: Madison Kent
your mind at rest as to any devious plot on my part," Madeline said as she laughed, trying to put Lady Mary at ease in the hopes she would not continue her hound-dog pursuit of watching her every move.
    "How do you do? I've seen you here. I'm sure you're a good girl, so studious. I'll leave you both to be," Mary said as she walked away.
    "What was all that about?" asked Marilyn.
    "I have much to tell you. I see Nancy seated in your favorite spot. May I join you for a cup of tea?"
    "Oh...please. We are anxious to hear any news about your investigation."
    She took her seat among the two girls, grateful for a familiar face and to share their company.
    "Tell me about that old woman. She has such a sweet appearance, like a cuddly little lamb. I've often seen her here, but the way she spoke to you startled me. What brought on her hostility towards you?" asked Marilyn.
    "I've been here many times trying to speak with the elusive Harrison brothers. They are never here, or if they are, it is unlikely anyone would allow me in to speak with them, but I keep trying. I thought that perhaps if I became an annoyance, they might agree, just to be rid of me. Lady Mary has a personal connection of some kind with them. I presume she feels I am in some way a threat. She has overheard me speaking with the concierge and inquiring about the missing girls. She is a permanent resident, and claims she is a fixture around here and knows everything," said Madeline.
    "I can certainly attest to the fact that I have seen her here many times," said Nancy.
    "Has she ever spoken to you?" asked Madeline.
    "No, not that I recall. I've seen her just wandering about, sometimes taking tea at the outside courtyard with an elderly gentleman," continued Nancy.
    "Tell us about your other news. Have you had any progress in finding your Maria?" asked Marilyn.
    "Yes, unfortunately. It was not a good outcome—she is deceased. She was trampled by a carriage not far from here. My Uncle Hank was coming home from work and was one of the first people on the scene. He recognized her from the photograph we had of her. As you can imagine, the family is inconsolable."
    "But at least she did not meet with foul play, there must be some comfort in that," said Nancy.
    "Actually, I'm not at all certain that the death was accidental. I spoke with Jacob, one of the street vendors, and he observed the entire event and had the impression she was being followed," said Madeline.
    She did not tell them about the marks on Maria's wrists, or that she thought it was Lady Mary who had been pursuing her. She believed the family would not want her to reveal certain personal facts.
    "It is disturbing. There is an unease in the air. I hear people sometimes whispering about the missing girls," said Marilyn.
    "There is a request I have to make. I don't know whether you will be able to fulfill it, but I was present at the coroner's and viewed Maria's body. There seemed to be a light spray of white powder on one of her sleeves and near her collar. I know Louie has preserved everything, in the hopes there might be some hidden evidence. I was wondering if I brought you the dress, would you be able to analyze the powder in your lab at school?" asked Madeline.
    "I don't know really. I've never done anything like that, but what a challenge. I certainly will try."
    "I'll come with you. We can use the lab after hours," said Nancy.
    "Then I will call you when I secure the clothing. Perhaps we can meet back here at The Harrison," said Madeline.
    They continued their visit for a little while longer, with the twins saying there was an unusual amount of young girls who came in groups to the hotel. They were sometimes whisked off to another area. Both girls considered it peculiar.  When she left them, she felt grateful for their assistance and their observations. This new information would be added to her notes. She would be glad when Hugh arrived, and she had someone to speak to about the Harrison and its

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