Bear Prince: Shifter Paranormal Romance (Royal Bears Book 1)

Free Bear Prince: Shifter Paranormal Romance (Royal Bears Book 1) by Emma Alisyn, Danae Ashe

Book: Bear Prince: Shifter Paranormal Romance (Royal Bears Book 1) by Emma Alisyn, Danae Ashe Read Free Book Online
Authors: Emma Alisyn, Danae Ashe
us.” Her smile faded, eyes narrowing. “And I want you to do one other thing.”
    Constin waited. “Majesty?”
    “There is a woman.”
    “Andrei, have you gone mad?”
    It was his mother’s next volley. He wasn’t stupid- Constin’s timing was a little too pat.
    “No, I am not mad. I am mated. I’ve heard that it can be mad dening , however.”
    “A human.” Disbelief shaded the nobleman’s voice. “You would take a human commoner as your Queen. You have a duty-”
    “I had no choice,” Andrei snapped. “And call her a commoner one more time and we will be at war. She is your Princess, and your future Queen. Furthermore, she is intelligent, graceful. Worthy to be my mate.”
    “Please don’t tell me you’ve wed her. The Assembly would never allow it. Andrei…”
    The Heir smiled. “I’ll email you an invitation to the wedding.”
    Andrei was gone on business. Hannah knew he must be busy. He’d spoken of plans, and things he needed to put in order. Left the apartment with a kiss and a promise to return shortly- and then they would sit and have a serious discussion.
    She savored the anticipation. The sweet earnestness of his expression assured her the discussion would be a good one. Time for them to make plans for the future. That this strong, dominant, clearly successful male was to be married to her… that he shed his cool, aristocratic exterior when in her presence… she refused to feel awe or even gratitude, because no man was better than God. But she did allow herself wonder and pleasure that she’d been blessed with someone unique.
    Hopefully her parents would be happy when she finally made introductions.
    She hurried out of her building, a wad of cash in her purse, heading to Whole Foods. More food- Andrei could eat. Glancing over her shoulder on lookout for the bus as she walked, Hannah bumped straight into a solid object.
    “Oh!” Fast reflexes and excellent balance allowed her to catch herself before she fell. “I’m so sorry!” She whipped her attention back where it belonged- in front of her- and met the cool grey eyes of a tall, lean white man. Dressed in clothing not off the rack.
    “No worries,” he said, and bowed.
    Hannah tensed. The trace of accent in his voice matched Andrei’s. And he bowed like Andrei, as if they’d both had the same etiquette instructor. If they’d been dancers, she would have said they were in the same troupe.
    “Well, have a good day, sir,” she said, drawing a shield of cool politeness around herself the way her mother had taught her, to deflect unwanted conversation.
    He held up a hand, a brief, imperious gesture. “You’re awaiting the bus? Allow me to call you a cab in apology.”
    “That isn’t necessary,” Hannah said. “My fault for not watching. Good day.”
    And she stepped around him, wide enough that if he tried to block her he would go beyond churlish and straight into threatening.
    As she walked briskly away, she thought she heard, “Good day, Princess.”
    Hannah thought about the man’s words while on the bus, troubled. She could dismiss it as her imagination. Try to convince herself her observations were mere fantasy… but she wasn’t given to daydreaming. Well, the only thing she could do was wait for Andrei to come home, and discuss it with him.
    Discuss why a strange white male who dressed and moved and talked like him had intercepted her, and called her Princess.

    He returned home later than usual. Hannah knew something was wrong, alerted by the stern expression on his face, the careful way he watched her.
    “What is it?” she asked, taking his hand to lead him to the couch. “You're hiding from me.”
    She was human, but she was a bonded mate. And she was learning to use the bond as if she were a woman of his people. Or so she surmised. When they made love, his feelings flooded her until she was close to mindless with pleasure, basking in their mutual glow. And when

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