Prescription for Desire
primary, but he’s booked today. I would hate for her to
wait until a later time. Her glucose levels are high, but I figured
you would be the better person than me to discuss some options.
She’s already taking medication for something else.”
    “ I’ll be on in a few
    “ Thank you,” she said with
her hand on the doorknob. “I’ll see you later.”
    He raised his eyebrow and a
provocative smile crossed his face as he stepped closer. “Really?”
He pushed a tendril of her hair off of her forehead.
    His subtle touch incited goose bumps
to rise on her skin. “We should really stop this.”
    “ Whatever you say,
    However, that was easier said than
done. A few hours later, she found herself sitting right back on
his exam table.
    Later on that evening, Raven and Kay
picked up the necessary supplies for the princess party and did
some shopping at the Abasto Mall.
    Before heading back
to Ghilaua , they
decided to have dinner at Tarquino Restaurant inside of the Hub
Porteno Hotel. Raven was glad to be away from the medical facility
for a while. She was used to leaving her place of work and going
home, except the nights she spent in the on-call room at the
hospital about once, sometimes twice, a week.
    “ Everything looks so good,”
Raven said, perusing over the menu. “I have no idea what to
    “ And everything is good,
too. I’ve tried many of the dishes here. You really can’t go wrong
unless there’s something you don’t eat.”
    “ Ha. I eat mostly
    Raven settled on the prawns for an
appetizer and salmon with ravioli for the main course. Before
coming to Argentina, she wasn’t aware of the Italian influence on
the Argentine dishes.
    “ So how are you settling
into your temporary life with Doctors Unlimited?” Kay asked once
their orders had been placed.
    “ So far so good. It’s
definitely different from the routine I’m used to, but no
complaints. I love my brother and didn’t hesitate to help him. Even
though it did mean leaving my patients for a spell. I needed change
of some sort. Even if I’m still doing the same thing, but I wanted
a different environment.”
    “ I completely understand. I
was on the verge of retirement when I heard about the organization.
My children are grown and married, and I was recently divorced.
Like you, I wanted a change of environment, but not necessarily a
change in my career. I love being a nurse, but long hours at the
hospital became tiresome for me. This atmosphere is more relaxed
and I get to travel and see the world, experience new
    “ Do you get to see your
children often?”
    “ Oh yes, but because
they’re grown now I know they’re fine. I’m going to officially
retire soon … um, in about a year or two. Maybe get married again
    “ Oh. Are you seeing
    Kay blushed like a high school girl
talking about her crush, who didn’t know she was alive. “Dr.
    Raven almost choked on her wine.
“Really? I had no idea you two were seeing each other.” Were they
about to head into the supply room like her and Armand?
    “ We don’t talk about it,
but yeah, pretty much everyone knows or suspects it. He’s ready to
move back to the States, as I am, for that’s where our children
are. My daughter just got married and she’s talking children in a
few years. I want to be there to be with my grandkids.”
    Their food arrived moments later,
which Raven was happy about because she was completely
    “ So how did you find out
about this place?”
    “ Dr. Watkins and I used to
frequent this hotel in the beginning of our relationship when I was
scared of people finding out about us. There’s no rule, but I just
wanted to remain professional. However, when you fall for someone,
eventually you have to let your guard down. Besides, everyone saw
how he was looking at me when I first arrived. Kinda how Dr.
Phillips looks at you.”
    Raven almost choked again, except this

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