Prescription for Desire
there wasn’t anything in her mouth. “I don’t think he looks at
me in any special way.” Okay, she knew that wasn’t true, but had
everyone else noticed as well?
    Kay laughed. “I’ve been around longer
than you. That young man is smitten. I’ve worked with him for two
years now, and his whole attitude has changed in the past week and
half you’ve been here. He’s more upbeat. Trust me when I say I
haven’t seen him look at the other female staff like he looks at
you. Do you have a boyfriend back home?”
    “ No. It’s just me, but I
don’t really think Dr. Phillips is interested in me. He’s always
very professional.” The more she lied, the more she knew Kay was
aware of it.
    “ Mmmm … well, Dr. Phillips
is a nice guy. Nothing wrong with having a little fun while you’re
here. You just need someone to write you a prescription for desire,
and Dr. Phillips could definitely take care of that for
    Raven couldn’t help but laugh out loud
and continued to deny; however, that could be exactly what she
needed. Though, the more she thought about it, she could possibly
see herself falling for a guy like him and the best thing to do was
to avoid him.
    The next few days Raven tried her
hardest to steer clear of Armand and not falter on their agreement
again. They’d managed not to, but it was hard since she kept
running into him. One evening she had to endure eating dinner at
the same table when hers was the only one left with an empty chair.
Luckily, she managed to keep focused on a conversation with Kay
about her family. However, Raven could sense Armand’s intense gray
eyes on her as the women conversed. She could barely eat as she
mentally attached herself in the chair so she wouldn’t pounce on
him in front of everyone. She decided to hurry and finish eating,
stating she had an important phone call to make, which was slightly
true. Cannon had left a voicemail earlier.
    Moments later, she curled up on the
couch in the living area of her apartment with her computer on her
lap. The twins had decided to Skype.
    “ Hey, sis.”
    “ Hey. How’s everything?”
Raven was glad to see a familiar face, especially her twin brother.
While she loved all of her siblings equally, she felt a special
bond with Cannon.
    “ Good.” Cannon nodded with
a smile. “I wanted to tell you that I spoke with the board recently
and the new Ob-Gyn will be there in a month, so you’ll be leaving
before you know it.”
    “ Oh … that was fast,” she
said with slight disappointment in her voice, which she prayed her
twin wouldn’t pick up on.
    “ Yep. They interviewed a
lot of people, but finally voted on one today. She’s going to give
her two week notice at the hospital where she works, and she has
two weeks to get her affairs together before she moves to Ghilaua.”
    “ Do you think two weeks
will be enough time for her to pack and take care of whatever
business affairs she may have?”
    Cannon gave her a strange look with a
wrinkled brow. “She said it would be. Besides, I’m sure you’re
ready to come back home, aren’t you?”
    She smiled. Cannon’s twin senses were
on high alert. He knew all of her facial expressions and
mannerisms, and could tell something was amiss. She was trying to
hide her discontent. She thought she had perhaps six more weeks of
being there. Even though she was trying to avoid Armand like the
black plague, deep down she really wanted to walk across the hall,
bang on his door and when he opened it, push him back to his
bedroom. For the past few nights she’d barely slept as she thought
about the doctor with the piercing gray eyes only a few hundred
feet away from her. At one point, she’d jumped up from the couch
when she heard his door open and peeked out of the peephole. She
thought he had sensed her standing there, for he turned toward her
door briefly with a slight smile before going inside his
    “ Of course, I’m ready to
come home. I miss everyone. I just

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