Prescription for Desire
least not on the outside—he opened the door, but not before giving
her a reassuring smile.
    “ Do you need anything else,
Dr. Arrington?” he asked, looking back at her as she carried the
one box of sanitizer.
    “ No. Thank you so much for
helping me,” she answered, walking out into the hallway where Dr.
Watkins and Kay were. “I would’ve had to make two trips.” She
glanced at the key Dr. Watkins had in his hand, pointed toward the
supply room, and she just barely contained her nervous
    “ No problem. I’ll just
place them in your exam room,” Armand stated, opening the ajar door
to the room and disappearing in it.
    “ Kay, you’re just the
person I need to see,” Raven lied as she nodded to Dr. Watkins to
acknowledge his presence. “I wanted to know if you could go into
town with me to get some items for the princess party at the
orphanage this weekend.” Maria had called earlier to ask if she and
Kay were available to assist.
    “ Sure. I can go tomorrow
    “ Perfect,” Raven said just
as Armand came out of the exam room. He took the box from her, but
handed her the pack of copy paper she didn’t even need. “Thank you.
Now I can print that report for you.”
    “ Cool. I’ll swing by your
office before my conference call.”
    Ten minutes later, Armand entered
Raven’s office. “That was close,” he declared, sitting in one of
the chairs across from her desk.
    “ I’ll say. We should
probably stick to our agreement,” she said seriously.
    He nodded his head. “Yeah … you’re
    “ Goodness you taste good,”
Armand whispered, kissing the side of Raven’s neck while she sat on
the table in his examination room; he stood between her parted
    “ Thank you,” she answered
softly, caressing his head and trying not to make a sound. However,
it was hard not to as his tongue seared against her
    It was the next morning after the
supply room escapade, and she wanted to ask him a question about a
patient. Upon entering the exam room, his eyes had zoomed in on her
bare legs, and when he bit his bottom lip, she knew what was going
to happen next. She gladly welcomed it. Before she could utter a
single word, he grabbed her to him and placed her on the table,
ravishing her lips with erotic kisses.
    “ I thought we agreed not to
do this anymore,” he said in her ear.
    “ You grabbed me ,” she reminded
    “ You came in wearing a sexy dress showcasing these sexy ass legs,”
he replied, running his hand up her leg until he reached her thigh
and gave it a squeeze. “Nice and juicy.”
    “ Ha. That’s cellulite. I’m
not a spring chicken anymore.” She couldn’t believe she’d just told
him that. A few years ago, when she first noticed the cellulite,
she was upset about it. She worked out more frequently and cut back
on certain foods. She’d done everything possible so Howard wouldn’t
notice, but for some reason that fact that Armand knew didn’t
bother her.
    He shook his head and pulled her legs
to him, wrapping them around his waist. “You’re as fine as
Argentine wine.” Armand lightly kissed her. “I can’t get enough of
you. It took everything I had not to break down your door last
night. The thought of you lying in bed not far away was driving me
    He continued kissing her softly,
caressing and nibbling on her lips as she sighed his name over and
    “ I have a patient waiting,”
she explained, reluctantly pulling away from him. “I came to ask
you a question.”
    “ You just came to see me.”
He kissed her forehead before she slid off of the table, pulling
down her dress and straightening her white coat.
    “ What’s your question?”
Grabbing a Kleenex, he wiped the smudged lipstick off of her chin.
Then, she took the Kleenex from him, folded it, and wiped her
lipstick off of his mouth.
    “ I wanted to know if you
had time to stop in to see one of my patients. Dr. Watkins is her

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