Decker's Dilemma

Free Decker's Dilemma by Jack Ambraw

Book: Decker's Dilemma by Jack Ambraw Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jack Ambraw
Tags: Mystery, Military, navy, Subic Bay, black market
office ourselves. Chief has a safe under his desk that I’ve always been curious about it. No one else has the combination. Not even the supply officer. I sit directly behind Chief and I’ve been watching him open it over the past few months. Helps pass the time at sea.”
    â€œDo you have the combination?” asked Mo.
    â€œI think so,” said Decker. “I’m not positive about the last number, but I think I have it. He opens it too fast. I can’t exactly determine where he stops the dial.”
    â€œYou should open it when you have duty,” Hack said.
    â€œNot a chance,” Decker said. “Too many people could walk in, including Chief or Suppo.”
    â€œDo it late at night,” said Mo.
    Decker shook his head. “There needs to be a lookout.” His eyes widened as if he just had the most brilliant idea in the world. “Hack, you could do it.”
    â€œWhy me?” asked Hack. “I’d be worried about getting caught, too.”
    â€œUh oh, here it comes, Hack,” Mo said with a laugh. “This is where he wrangles you into doing his dirty work.”
    â€œI don’t mean on your duty night,” Decker said, ignoring Mo. “Stop by the ship when I have duty. Tuesday night I’ll be on the quarterdeck watch from 2000 to midnight. That’ll be a perfect time. I’ll be able to alert you if anyone comes on board.”
    â€œHow are you going to do that?” Hack asked, his voice laced with skepticism.
    â€œEasy enough. I’ll call Supply Support if Chief or Commander Doerr come aboard. It’ll take either one at least three or four minutes to get to the office. And that’s if they walk straight there. Chances are they’ll stop off at the wardroom or chiefs’ mess first. That’ll give you plenty of time to close the safe and get out of there.”
    â€œWhere am I going to go? It’ll look suspicious if I’m sitting in the office when I don’t have duty. And if I leave Supply Support to head to the berthing, I might run into them.”
    â€œThere’s a storeroom directly below the office. It’s a hatch so you’ll have to unbolt it before you open the safe. If need be, just jump down there and close it behind you. If someone walks in, it’s highly unlikely they’ll notice that it’s unbolted.”
    â€œI don’t like the sound of ‘highly unlikely,’” said Hack.
    â€œGo aft,” Mo said. “The emergency diesel generator is back there. Go straight aft from Supply Support, stay on the port side and you’ll run into it. I’ve been on the ship three years I’ve yet to see a supply type back there.”
    â€œPerhaps,” Decker said. “If you have enough time you can go aft. But it’s a clear shot along the passageway from Supply Support to the diesel room. Someone could easily spot you. If it were me, I’d use the storeroom. That way you never have to leave the office.”
    Hack thought it over for a few seconds, looking dubious. “Why don’t you come to the ship when I have duty?”
    â€œWon’t work,” Decker said.
    â€œWhy not? It only works if I’m the one breaking into the safe?”
    â€œI’d be more than happy to do it, but you’re still new on board. It’s not just Chief Fray and the commander we have to worry about. I know everyone on board and can warn you if I suspect any trouble.”
    â€œDon’t listen to him,” Mo said.
    Vega had been silent, listening to how the conversation unfolded. She reached across the table and put her hand on Hack’s arm. “It’ll only take a few minutes. Maybe we’ll learn something about a connection to the black market operation. I don’t know if there’s a murderer on board the ship, but what if there is? You’d be doing Kippen a favor.”
    Hack sat back and rubbed his eyes, obviously deep in

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