I Conjure Thee

Free I Conjure Thee by Elixa Everett

Book: I Conjure Thee by Elixa Everett Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elixa Everett
like this when you go home?" She brushed her lips across his chest and flicked her tongue across his nipple, sparking his desire.
    "Huh?" her question jarred him from his thoughts and he once more directed his attention towards her. She began to trace the contours of muscle in his chest with her finger, sending shivers through him and his cock twitched.
    "How you look to me... Is that how you look all the time?"
    Tony shrugged. "More or less;" he then gave her a wink. "That is, when I'm not a big cloud of smoke and fire."
    "Amazing..." she paused and a slight blush touched her cheeks.
    "What is?"
    "You." A soft smile played about her lips as she locked gazes with him. "So what about children... Can you have them with humans?"
    He raised a brow at her and grinned, "What? Scared you might be pregnant?"
    She huffed and the rosy glow deepened. "No... I just... Well, you know, I just..."
    "I could happen, but it's very, very rare. It would be nothing short of a miracle. It would be like breeding two different species of animal. It shouldn't happen, but sometimes..."
    She wiggled up against him once more, her nipples brushing his chest and her leg grazing his balls. His cock rose along with his need to submerge his dick into her warm, moist core.

    "So, do you know of any... hybrids?" She raised a brow at him, uncertain as to whether hybrid was an appropriate term to use or not.
    "Yes, I know of one." He pushed her back against the mattress and began to run a trail of light kisses down her neck as he slipped his hand between her silky thighs. "And before you ask, I'll tell you that some of us do have humans as mates; marry and attempt to have children. Though as I say, it's highly unlikely that a union will result in offspring."
    She spread her legs for him, and gasped as he slipped two fingers between her folds and began to stroke her along her slit as his thumb teased her clit. The moisture between her legs increased and she shifted, making her juices run down her ass.
    His finger circled the hard ring of muscle in her ass. She jumped as she usually did when he ventured into that territory, but immediately relaxed and whimpered as he inserted one finger, then the a second soon joined it.
    She moved against his probing fingers urging them in deeper, both hating and loving the intrusion. Grasping his cock in her dainty hand she began to stroke him, turning his cock from semi-hard to rock solid in seconds.
    "I was going to wait until tomorrow," he groaned as his mouth travelled across her collarbone and down to her chest to capture one nipple in her mouth. It instantly hardened as his tongue circled the circumference. "But I want your ass now, Clarissa. Will you give it to me?"
    Clarissa was frozen for a moment. Not only did he use her name, but he was asking permission! Granted by accepting his offer to save Jeffrey's life she'd also simply accepted whatever tasks he wanted her for, but this was the first time he'd actually asked.
    His mouth stopping its sweet torment of her breast and she brought her eyes to meet his. "Of course. My body is yours."
    He growled, as his mouth captured her other nipple roughly and nipped at it. A jolt of electric pleasure shot through her, and she bucked against him.
    "Flip over. You're already so wet; I should be able to fit. I think you should be ready for me."
    She released his cock, and then took a second to wipe the pre-cum from the tip with her thumb and bring it to her mouth sucking it off, before doing as instructed and slipping over to her stomach. Tony positioned himself behind her, grabbed her hips and urged her hips up as she supported herself on her elbows, clutching the large feather pillow to her chest.
    Spreading her ass cheeks wide, Tony dipped two fingers into her juicy core and began to pump her, his fingers thrusting in and out, stroking her inner wall until she was dripping in her own juices and her body writhed under him.
    "So wet, always so beautifully wet for me," he

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