The Honourable Maverick / The Unsung Hero

Free The Honourable Maverick / The Unsung Hero by Alison Roberts / Kate Hardy

Book: The Honourable Maverick / The Unsung Hero by Alison Roberts / Kate Hardy Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alison Roberts / Kate Hardy
Tags: Medical
cleared his throat. ‘I’ve been thinking,’ he said.
    Ellie’s heart gave another squeeze and it was a noticeable effort to draw a breath.
    ‘And Mouse, here.’ Max had tilted his head so that his chin was touching the top of the baby’s head.
    ‘I know. I really have to decide on a proper name.’ For some reason Ellie was feeling nervous now. What was Max about to say? Give her some last advice before disappearing from their lives? ‘I’m thinking maybe Amelia? Or…or Charlotte?’
    He frowned. ‘Definitely not Amelia though I’m sure Jet would approve.’
    ‘You know, Amelia Earhart? The famous female pilot?’
    ‘Oh…’ Jet had been up to visit once in the last fewdays and Ellie had had the impression he didn’t approve of her at all.
    ‘I wouldn’t be in a hurry,’ Max said. ‘The longer it takes the better, really.’
    ‘Because if you can’t think of the right name, you won’t be able to register the birth and the longer you leave that the better.’
    ‘Mmm. I’ve been thinking about that myself. I’ll have to use her real surname for that and if Marcus found me because I bought a plane ticket, he might well be able to trace that.’
    ‘Especially seeing as he had an idea of when the baby’s due.’ Max smiled at Ellie. ‘Good thinking, having her a few weeks early. Gives you a bit of time to play with.’
    ‘Except that I’ll be registering her birth at about the time she was really due.’
    Max nodded but he wasn’t meeting Ellie’s gaze. ‘What if you could legally register her as McAdam?’
    ‘You mean, change my name by deed poll or something?’
    ‘No.’ Max turned his head and his gaze locked with hers. ‘I mean I could marry you.’
    The world stopped turning for a heartbeat. Ellie had to close her eyes and then open them very slowly just to make sure she hadn’t fallen into some parallel universe.
    ‘Did…um…did you just say you could
    ‘So that Mouse could have your name?’
    ‘And you. You need a new name, too. It’s not as ifI’d be giving away anything I couldn’t still keep myself as well. The perfect gift, if you put it like that.’
    ‘Apart from ruining your single status.’ Ellie’s breath came out in a huff of laughter. ‘I ‘ve seen the way the nurses around here look at you, Max. There’s more than a few disappointed by your
marriage. A real one might take a lot more explaining.’
    ‘Hey, am I complaining?’ Max flashed her a grin. ‘To tell the truth, I’m quite glad of an opportunity to be unavailable. Could be the making of me, being celibate for a while.’
    ‘A while? That’s like a piece of string, isn’t it? How long were you thinking?’
    Max looked serious again. ‘As long as it takes, just like the string. How long do you think it will take you to settle into motherhood? Find a place you want to be and get your life on track?’
    Ellie was silent. The future was huge and blank. The only goal she could focus on was to look after her daughter and keep her safe.
    ‘Six months?’ Max prompted. ‘A year, maybe?’
    Still Ellie said nothing.
    ‘Think of it like an insurance policy,’ Max suggested. ‘Think
it, anyway. The offer’s there and I don’t offer anything I’m not prepared to follow through.’ He got to his feet and Ellie watched his hands as he shifted Mouse. One hand was under her small bottom and the other cradled her head to protect her neck. He moved her so gently she didn’t stir in her sleep. ‘I have to go,’ Max said quietly. ‘I’ll leave you with the birthday girl but I’ll be back later. We can talk about it when you’ve had a chance to think.’
    Left alone, Ellie unwound her legs and climbed very carefully off her bed. She should put Mouse back into her crib to sleep but, instead, she found herself walking slowly around her room.
    Thinking hard.
    ‘You did
    The CT scan technician glanced

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