Her Dom's Lesson (Dominic Powers Book 2)

Free Her Dom's Lesson (Dominic Powers Book 2) by A.D. Justice

Book: Her Dom's Lesson (Dominic Powers Book 2) by A.D. Justice Read Free Book Online
Authors: A.D. Justice
    “Could be.  He was away for a long while, but with her being so young when it happened, she may not have fully realized the time span,” Shadow surmises.
    I nod but I’m deeply engrossed in my own thoughts and memories.  “Sophia told me once that she was really mad at her mother for welcoming her father back in with open arms after he’d been away for so long.”
    We reach the office and my mind is still trying to put this jigsaw puzzle together with the pieces I have in front of me.  Once I’m in my office, the business owner in me takes over and I put those other thoughts away, for the most part.  Knowing that Sophia is back at work this week and on the floor below me stays in my thoughts nonstop.
    “Good morning, Dominic,” Darren calls from my doorway.
    “Good morning.  Come on in.”
    “Listen, I won’t keep you, but we do need to talk about Sophia,” Darren says pointedly.
    “What about her?”
    “You have to take her back,” Darren states emphatically.
    “What?”  His statement shocks me momentarily and I’m unsure of how to answer him.
    “You hired her to be your right-hand person, your go-to person when you’re not around.  She needs to do her job and not report to me.  Whatever happened between the two of you needs to be resolved and she needs to report to you again.  She’s not doing the job you hired her to do.  And, well, hell Dominic, I’m just too damn old for all this bullshit,” Darren bustles.
    “For what bullshit, Darren?  What has she done?”
    “Nothing!  She’s a great employee and she handles that Rich fellow like he’s putty in her hands.  Sophia needs to be working with you and learning all the ropes.  Not hanging with an old bastard like me who’s closer to retirement than he is anything else.”
    “Let me talk to Cheryl and see what I can do, Darren,” I compromise.
    “You just need to make it happen, Dominic.  I think it looks worse that you moved her away from you if none of that mess is true.”  Darren leaves my office and my mind is spinning faster than when he walked in.
    Does he have a valid point?  Does it make me look guilty?
    Dana walks in with my morning coffee as usual and I decide it’s time to have another conversation with Cheryl.  “Dana, ask Cheryl to come to my office as soon as possible.”
    “Yes, sir.  Anything else?”
    “No.  Thank you, Dana.”
    Half an hour later, Cheryl knocks on my door and I call for to enter.
    “You wanted to see me?” Cheryl asks as she walks in and takes a seat.
    “Yes.  Darren was in here earlier and wants to move Sophia back to me.  He says he’s too close to retirement to be responsible for her and that it makes me look guilty for moving her away from me,” I blurt out.
    Cheryl takes a moment to process my words and think through the conversation.  She is no doubt playing out every possible scenario in her head.  “Do you want to move her back under you, Dominic?  That puts you at a greater risk.  If anything is said or done that can misconstrued or misinterpreted, you would have no recourse in the matter.”
    “What if Dana were present during all of our meetings to monitor and be a witness?”
    “It’s really not fair to put her in that position, Dominic.  Besides that, she’s been a loyal employee for many years and that would most definitely be used to discredit anything she says in your favor,” Cheryl advises.
    “Then we’ll record our meetings on video.  That way, if anything is said, we will all watch it as it actually happened,” I offer.
    “That could work.  If Sophia is wiling to return to working with you and is willing to consent to being recorded while she’s in your presence, that could be a useful tactic.”
    Hitting the button on my phone, I instruct Dana to have Sophia come to my office.  Since Cheryl is here, we can get to the bottom of this right now.  As we are waiting for Sophia to make her way up, Shadow enters my office and has a

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