Blood Is Thicker Than Water (A New Adult Dark Thriller Series of Mystery and Suspense) ( free series of thriller, mystery, suspense and horror) (Next Of Kin Book 1)

Free Blood Is Thicker Than Water (A New Adult Dark Thriller Series of Mystery and Suspense) ( free series of thriller, mystery, suspense and horror) (Next Of Kin Book 1) by Aray Brown

Book: Blood Is Thicker Than Water (A New Adult Dark Thriller Series of Mystery and Suspense) ( free series of thriller, mystery, suspense and horror) (Next Of Kin Book 1) by Aray Brown Read Free Book Online
Authors: Aray Brown
eyes were lasers and could annihilate him with one movement. 
    Spoonie had his suspicions about her and her so-called practice.  She had built quite a reputation for getting certain people off in exchange for a large sum of blood money.  No one knew her motivation behind it.  Nor will they ever know.
    “I don’t understand.” Medina said, put on a false front.  She played her part well, too well.  They bought it, all but one.  To him, she was transparent.  Why is she doing this?  What is she hiding?  He thought.  Spoonie scanned the audience.  The seats were occupied by members of the press and friends of the family.  Then the back row, the squirrely man sat, legs halfway crossed, an old baseball cap shielding his face.  Who is he?  What business does he have here?  Have I seen him before?
    The judge broke his focus.
    “Mr. Hamilton, time’s a wasting.”
    He jerked his head back.
    “I’m sorry your honor.  Uh, where was I?”
    The court reporter went back to the last question, read it aloud.
    “Yes of course.  Was she carved into or did he make you watch?”
    Those words cut her like a knife.  Her mind went blank.  In a flash the courtroom was as black as night, except Medina wasn’t in the courtroom.  Somehow she had found a way to travel in her mind. She glided along a dark stairwell.   An impertinent stench permeated the air.  Medina squeezed the rail, trudged down the stairs and then slowly crept in the living room.  Zoe lay in the center, in her own blood.  The bullet lodged in her forehead.  Eyes open.
    The squirrely man extracted the butcher’s knife and carved her like a thanksgiving turkey.  Medina screamed.  Nothing came out.  It was like her voice was nonexistent.  The thick trail of blood moved closer to her.  She couldn’t move.  It kept coming.  Soon it was all over her, cloaking her.
    Medina’s face turned white as a sheet.  Spoonie and the judge were concerned.
    “Are you okay?” He asked.
    There was no answer.  The onlookers and the jury were mystified.  They never witnessed anything of this magnitude before.
    He repeated the question.  There was still no response.  Medina couldn’t hear him or anyone else.  Spoonie called out her name to no avail.  Medina struggled to free herself.  There was no use.  
    Maize was more worried than ever, afraid she was in a world that wasn’t hers.  Medina was trapped between a realm that preyed on the fears and weaknesses of others, where evil was waiting to take form. 
    A figure shrouded in black clothing strode toward her, the wicked laughter enclosing her. 
    “Medina.  Don’t be scared.  I’ve been watching, waiting.  You and your sister belong to me now.” The shrouded figure said in a deep and raspy voice, taking a step further. 
    “Let me go!  Let me go!” Medina bellowed.
    “You belong to me now!” His tone was powerful and earth-shattering. 
    “I belong to no one!” She fought him off, and then ran further away. 
    “You can’t escape me.  You’re mine.” He said in a breathy murmur.
    Medina wanted to get out of this ill-gotten place and never return.  She had a strange feeling that the voice was none other than her biological father.  What does this mean?   A small opening became visible.  She made tracks toward it as it started to close.  Then…..she let out a squeal that made everyone in the courthouse skin crawl.  Another shriek followed.  The judge and jurors took pity on her. 
    “Medina.  Medina it’s alright.  You’re safe now.  You’re safe.” Spoonie soothed her
    The lawyers were baffled.  They wouldn’t forget it as long as they lived.
    “We’ll reconvene tomorrow at 0900 hours.  Court is adjourned.” The judge concluded.
    Medina fingered the seating in the back row.  It was empty.  The squirrely man had gone....and took her security along with him. 
    Was it a dream?  Was it a hallucination?  And

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