Arizona Skies: The Muse

Free Arizona Skies: The Muse by S. Cruz

Book: Arizona Skies: The Muse by S. Cruz Read Free Book Online
Authors: S. Cruz
to meet Bailey and spend the afternoon with her. But I wasn’t prepared for the vision in turquoise that opened her door. Her hair was up in a ponytail, revealing her long neck and slender shoulders. She was so stunning that I stood there with my mouth open, unable to speak. “Wow,” was all I said as she stepped aside and let me into her room. I didn’t want to take her out in public and once again had to fight back the urge to keep her all to myself. She gathered her stuff, and I instinctively reached for her hand to lead the way to the pool.
    Scott sauntered toward Shelly’s door just as that little blonde flew out, scaring the shit out of all of us. Scott snickered at our startled faces and took the little bombshell’s hand to lead her away while she talked a mile a minute.
What planet was she from, anyway
? I thought chuckling to myself. I was glad I’d been attracted to the quiet one.
    We pulled out a couple lounge chairs for us. Scott and Shelly pulled up alongside of us, with Keith and Liza joining us. John sat by himself with his book. Bailey took off this long, flowery cover-up thing, and all my breath left my body. I stood there stunned, looking at the most gorgeous body I’d ever seen. Ever! I immediately got a hard-on, putting my towel in front of me to cover it up. This woman was too good to be true.
    I couldn’t catch my breath as I offered to put lotion on her back just so I could touch her. As I stroked her flawless skin, my mind was doing everything to this woman’s body that I wouldn’t let my body do. I rubbed every inch of her exposed skin, closing my eyes and fantasizing her in my bed surrendering that body to me. I couldn’t stop myself and lost all comprehension of time. I was beyond inspired by this girl. I didn’t know how long I was lost in my fantasy as my fingersslowly glided over her tanned body, touching every spot more than once just to feel her silky skin.
    Finally I heard her voice and looked down into her brown eyes. I had such a hard-on I had to sit down quickly before she saw it. I shook my head, trying to regain my composure but failing miserably. My body was firing on all pistons. I was ready to take this girl to my room and have my way with her—hell, I’d even contemplated pulling her back into the shadow of the cabana and just getting it over with. But then she offered to put lotion on me.
Oh God, yes
, I thought as I rolled over on my stomach to hide my arousal. I was about to explode right there in front of everyone. Her hands on my back felt like heaven. I was in so much trouble with this girl.
    As I laid there, all these emotions swirled around in my head. Her hands on my naked skin felt like nothing I’d ever experienced before. My mind was on overload, and suddenly I started feeling that maybe I wasn’t worthy of her. All those X-rated thoughts I’d had of her when my hands were on her body suddenly made me feel dirty. Another new experience for me—I’d never felt that way before. I didn’t have to have X-rated thoughts; I did whatever I wanted with whatever woman I was with. I had what they wanted, and I gave it to them, however I was feeling that night. But now the roles were reversed; she had what I wanted, and I didn’t feel I was good enough to take it. She was my inspiration, my muse!
    I lay there letting all these mixed emotions swirl around in my head. I knew she had fallen asleep and took the opportunity to stare at her. She was as pure as the driven snow, and I wasn’t! She was so beautiful inside and out, but she didn’t even realize it. I saw the men watching her when she took off that cover-up. Men all around us were eye fucking her. My past experience was that beautiful women usually were self-centered and cold; she was the exact opposite.
    I wanted her in my world, whether I deserved her or not. I decided right then that I didn’t want any lies between us. I’d made my mind up to have her come tonight and watch us perform so shecould

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