Framed & Dangerous (9780545443128)

Free Framed & Dangerous (9780545443128) by Kim Harrington

Book: Framed & Dangerous (9780545443128) by Kim Harrington Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kim Harrington
computer, and I was convinced it was a secret message to security. Something like: Imposters! Come throw them out!
    But he only snapped his gum and said, “Room 303.” He aimed a thumb over his shoulder and added in amonotone, “Take the elevator to the third floor. The nurses’ station will be right there. You can ask them or follow the signs.”
    â€œThanks,” I said, hurrying away.
    When we got out of earshot, Darcy pumped her fist. “That was easy!”
    â€œSo far,” I reminded her. “Don’t jinx it. We still have to get past the nurses’ station.”
    We found the elevator bank, and I pressed the UP button.
    Darcy tapped her foot. “I hope he has some clues for us. Otherwise we —”
    Over Darcy’s shoulder, I saw a tall man walking our way. I held my finger to my lips, and Darcy stopped talking. The elevator dinged, and the doors opened. I tried not to look at the stranger. I felt like my guilt was written all over my face. In all caps. I AM VISITING SOMEONE AND I’M NOT A FAMILY MEMBER.
    Okay, it’s not the world’s biggest crime. But still.
    He stepped into the elevator with us, carrying a huge “Get Well” display with flowers and balloons. We only had to go up a couple floors but, since we were all silent, it seemed like the longest elevator ride ever.
    Finally, it reached the third floor and the doors opened. The man walked out first … right to the nurses’ station.
    He muttered, “Delivery for Room 306.”
    The nurse behind the desk replied, “You can leave it here, and I’ll bring it down to the room. Where do I sign?”
    Darcy grabbed the sleeve of my sweater. “Now’s our chance,” she hissed. “Go fast!”
    I followed her, quietly speed-walking past the desk. The nurse was looking down as she signed the delivery man’s paperwork. We were going to make it! I looked up at a room number as we passed: 301. Mr. Gray’s room was next. Almost there.
    â€œAnd where are you going?” a woman’s voice rang out.
    Or not.
    We skidded to a stop and turned around. The nurse had spotted us. The delivery man grabbed his paperwork and walked off, his job done.
    â€œRoom 303?” I answered, though it sounded like a question.
    The nurse examined us closely. She was a tired-looking woman with frizzy gray hair. “Are you family members?” she asked.
    â€œYes,” Darcy piped up. “We’re Mr. Gray’s nieces.”
    Darcy and I looked about as related as an apple and a sneaker. But maybe the nurse would buy it.
    She narrowed her eyes. “Do you have an adult with you?”
    Darcy and I exchanged a glance. I had no idea what to say. My brain was like an upside-down turtle, kicking frantically but getting nowhere. Darcy opened her mouth, readied with what I imagined would be a great story, but the nurse held up her hand.
    â€œNice try, girls,” she said. “I don’t know why you want to visit with your school janitor, but you’ll need a family member with you to do so.”
    My mouth went dry. She was Psychic Nurse. We were busted. Shoulders sagging, we trudged back over to the elevator and pressed the DOWN button.
    â€œNow what?” I whispered.
    â€œWe wait for the elevator,” Darcy said sarcastically.
    â€œAnd then what?”
    But Darcy’s eyes got big. “Shh,” she said. “Wait a second.”
    I looked back over my shoulder and saw that the nurse was walking down the hall with the giant flower and balloon arrangement the delivery man had brought.
    â€œAs soon as she enters that room,” Darcy said. “Run.”
    I was about to list all the reasons why this was a bad idea, but then the nurse disappeared into Room 306, and Darcy took off running. I followed, as hard as my legs would go. My heart was thudding. Only seconds later we were inside Room 303.
    We’d made it!
    But Mr. Gray wasn’t

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