Creed: Fallen Angel's MC

Free Creed: Fallen Angel's MC by Erin Trejo

Book: Creed: Fallen Angel's MC by Erin Trejo Read Free Book Online
Authors: Erin Trejo
life in danger so many fuckin’ times in the last five years. All I wanted was a fuckin’ way out, a way to erase you and Jason from my mind. But nothin’ fuckin’ worked. Then you walked that pretty little ass of yours into my club and my world stopped. You fuckin’ broke everything in me Jada. I don't know what the fuck I'm supposed to do anymore.” The look in his eyes pulls at my heart.  He's a beautiful mess but what happens next.
    “I never wanted to lose you, Creed.”
    I can see the storm raging in his eyes as he tries to hash out his new reality, hell I feel it within myself.

    I had to work out some stress after having Jada here so Sharp let me take on a local run. I was thankful for the run but I hated leaving Jada alone. I know Tank has an eye on her but the Angel chasers are coming in tonight and that’s some bullshit I don’t need.
    I just finished up the run and I’m heading back to the club when I hear engines revving up behind me.  I glance over my shoulder and see a few bikes behind me and try to make out their cuts. Oh fuck, it’s the Shadows.
    Pulling over isn’t a fucking option when it’s one against seven.  I slide out my cell phone with one hand and control my bike with the other. Hitting the speed dial to Sharp I wait for him to pick up.
    “Where you at motherfucker?” I can hear the music in the background and I know the party is underway.
    “Got company.” Watching in my mirrors I see they are still on me. This shit could be bad.
    “FUCK! Where you at? How many?” I can hear him silencing the people in the background before I give him the info.
    “About seven. Out on the 23 headed home.”
    “On our way.” The line goes dead but I know I’m only about fifteen minutes out from the clubhouse still. It will take them a while to get to me.
    I track the assholes behind me as I accelerate my bike. The only thing on my mind is getting back to Jada. I don’t know what the fuck my life is supposed to be or how she plays into it but I sure as hell want to find out.
    With my mind in another world, I hear shots going off behind me. FUCK! These motherfuckers are shooting at me.
    “Bastards.” I grumble to myself when I see my boys coming dead ahead. Sharp waves me to go on but there is no way in hell that I’m letting that shit ride.
    I drive past when I hear more shots before I slide my bike around. Heading back towards the sounds, I find my boys all off their bikes now circling the Shadows.
    I pull up and park next to them before hopping off my bike to join them.
    “Thought you headed out?” Sharp gives me a crooked grin but I just shrug. He knew I wasn’t going home without my boys.
    “You wanna tell me why the fuck you’re followin’ me and shootin’ at my bike?” I ask.  Moving in closer I recognize one of the pigs. We had a run in with him a while back.
    “We think you got somethin’ that belongs to us.” One of the other guys speaks up now. My heart starts pumping harder now. I know he’s talking about Jada.
    “I don’t think we have shit that is yours.” I growl taking a step forward when Sharp steps next to me.
    “I agree with my boy. We don’t run any of your shit through our club. You should be flattered that I haven’t shot you dead on the spot for crossin’ territory.” The Shadows look to one another. They knew they fucked up and now it’s time to redeem that.
    “We heard one of your boys picked up one of our girls. You say you don’t have her, well, then we’ll be goin’.” Smart motherfucker right there. I love watching these little bitches squirm under our glares.
    “Not so fast there, pretty boy. You shot at my boy here and I don’t think he liked that too much. Did you like that, Creed?” Sharp turns to me making me smile. Shaking my head I look at the leader of the group or at least the loser they put in charge of coming after me.
    “No Pres. I didn’t like it much. I think a few fire offs should make me happy

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