A STELLAR AFFAIR (A Hollywood Bad Boy Romance)

Free A STELLAR AFFAIR (A Hollywood Bad Boy Romance) by Eve Montelibano

Book: A STELLAR AFFAIR (A Hollywood Bad Boy Romance) by Eve Montelibano Read Free Book Online
Authors: Eve Montelibano
shaft swelled with every stroke he did.
      He crossed the point of no return.
    It was her beautiful face awash in ecstasy he last saw before he shut his eyes tightly and howled to the moon. The pressure in his loins gave way and his universe exploded. He blasted his seed inside her like it was his last orgasm on earth.
    Filling her.
    Marking her.
    Owning her.

    She always slept on her side and the first thing she noticed when she opened her eyes this morning was the warmth wrapped around her. But it wasn’t a blanket. It was warmer than her favorite blanket and…that warmth was making her body ignite in arousal so early in the morning. The heat swirling between her legs was just about ready to explode.  
    Her eyes fully opened and she slowly looked down her chest.
    A muscled arm was wrapped around her chest and a big hand was holding her left breast loosely. A man’s hand!
    She froze as comprehension flooded her mind in one rush of breath.
    Oh. My. God.
    She was in bed with a man. And she was naked. And by the feel of it, she’d had sex.
    There was no mistaking the soreness between her legs despite the sweet ache throbbing there right now. She wanted to scream in horror, but she fully remembered who she was with now.
    She was in bed with Wesley Stoner. And she wasn’t too drunk last night that she couldn’t remember what happened.
    He was insatiable and so was she. She lost count how many times she’d come or how many times he’d taken her. Her sore pussy was the evidence of all the action.
    She was afraid to move. Afraid to wake him. What will she say to him?
    She brought her hand to cover her mouth to muffle her groan.  
    Oh God, what stupidity have I done?
    She lost her virginity last night to Wesley Stoner. Of all people!
    She just bit her lower lip. No point in castigating herself for losing her V-card now. Losing one’s virginity only happens once and Wes had been inside her body more than once last night. Meaning, she wanted it from beginning to end.
    She inhaled and exhaled slowly to ease the tightness in her chest, careful not to wake him up. What would she do now?   It was one of those moments when she was totally clueless of what to do next. Waking up naked with a man spooning her was a first for her. The fact that it was Wesley Stoner, Hollywood’s most notorious bad boy made it worse.
    She felt his hand squeeze her boob.
    Oh, god, he’s awake!
    Then she became aware of something else lodged between them.
    His big, hard cock was poking her. And she felt her pussy swelling, secreting juices in anticipation of getting stretched and filled by that thick, long instrument of pleasure he knew how to use so well. He had taken her so thoroughly last night she felt like he was lodged inside her forever and yet she wanted more. He pussy was dying for it again. She wanted to reach behind her and guide him to her entrance and impale herself on him.  
    She was mortified by her wanton thoughts. What happened to her between that drink last night and now? She’d turned into a nymphomaniac overnight!
    He groaned and he started rubbing against her from behind. She remained still as his embrace became tighter, pulling her closer to him, positioning her slightly above him in an angle that—
    Oh my god…!
    She felt him rubbing against her slit. That silky friction… she knew it was the head of his cock connecting with her hot juices. Every nerve ending in her body jumped to life and sizzled.
    “Baby, you feel so good…” he breathed in her ear.
    He was definitely fully awake now. She should stop him. But he was so hot and hard behind her, seeking her heat, rubbing against her folds and then pushing in, breaching her entrance.
    She gasped at the intrusion. Her pussy felt sore from his relentless penetrations last night but the ache in the pit of her belly was so great it would hurt more not to have him inside her in the next second. She gripped the sheets, pushing her hips back so she would absorb more of

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