To Betray A Brother

Free To Betray A Brother by G.W. Gibson

Book: To Betray A Brother by G.W. Gibson Read Free Book Online
Authors: G.W. Gibson
both. “Brother, you have no idea how much you have helped me.”
    Bryce bent down and hugged him. “Get out of here, you old rouge, and say hi to Burnie for me.”
    Stitch rolled onto the footpath and set himself on his trike. His face still sported a huge grin as he punched the starter and the Harley thundered into life. With a wave, he roared off.
    Bryce grabbed himself another beer and sat for a while, silent and thinking about what Stitch had said. Maybe he did need to re-evaluate his view and have the government pay some money. He didn’t begrudge helping any of his brothers, but maybe he could do more with the additional funds.
    * * * *
    "Oh, Tim Tam, will you get out of the way?" Penny brushed the large cat aside as she laid some clothes on the bed for the day's activities. Tim Tam had decided to take up residence in the exact spot she needed. He glowered balefully at her, daring her to move him.
    "Oh shoo, naughty cat" Penny swatted him out of the way. Tim Tam caught her hand in both claws and playfully gnawed on her knuckles in protest. “Hey, go easy there, fella.” She scratched his exposed belly, all thick chocolate-coloured fur, and received a kick in the arms for her efforts as white furry claws held her hand firmly within the reach of his razor sharp teeth. For his part, Tim Tam was rewarded with a rub between the ears while Penny eased her hand from his mouth.
    She slipped into a pair of black jeans, which hugged her hips, providing just enough room to move about comfortably. A dark blue T-shirt with Leather and Lace Motorcycle Clothing emblazoned across the front completed the look, and she headed out into the kitchen for breakfast.
    Penny savoured the aroma of her morning brew as she stirred a spoonful of sugar into her coffee. She took a sip, the hot liquid slid across her tongue setting her taste buds dancing as the smooth Arabica flavour blended with the hint of sweetness. She looked across at Tim Tam now curled up on the end of the couch. "You don't know what you're missing," she said. A single yellow eye opened, regarded her, and closed again. "Okay suit yourself." She popped a slice of toast into her mouth and contemplated the day ahead.
    A knock sounded at the door. "Hang on. I'm on my way," Penny called as she quickly deposited her breakfast dishes in the sink and paused to straighten her clothes. Who could possibly be calling at this hour of the morning? She opened the door to reveal Bryce leaning back against the veranda rail.
    A smile broke across his face at the sight of her. "Grab your things. Let’s go" he said.
    "Well, good morning to you too! Go where? I haven't even finished breakfast yet." She raised the slice of toast in her hand to emphasize the point. Her eyes drank the length of him and her stomach began to tighten, not unpleasant though the sensation surprised her. He was dressed to ride in jeans, T-shirt, and his black leather vest. Her memory flashed back to the barn and the way the light danced across his sweat soaked skin as his muscles uncoiled and exploded in powerful movements.
    A light glinted mischievously in his eyes as he spoke. "I thought we might spend a couple of hours at the track."
    "The track is closed today. And why would we be going there anyway?"
    "You asked for my help." His hands opened. "So here I am."
    "Come in. Let me finish my breakfast. You can have a coffee, and we can talk about...helping." She stood aside and gestured for Bryce to enter. He paused for a second, before he stepped through the door, passing within inches of her. His scent, male and electrifying, filled her senses and her mind with images of him standing, practically naked in front of her. She shivered.
    "Tim Tam, meet Bryce," she said by way of distraction as they passed the big cat sleeping on the lounge. Neither male responded.
    Penny indicated a seat at the dining table. "Milk and sugar?” She poured a coffee from the pot.
    "Milk and one sugar," he replied as he slid into the

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