Texas fury

Free Texas fury by Fern Michaels

Book: Texas fury by Fern Michaels Read Free Book Online
Authors: Fern Michaels
swept her across the dance floor.
    When the dance was over, Ivy slipped away. Cole watched her till she was out of sight. When he turned, he was staring directly at Lacey. He nodded curtly and headed back to the family table.
    Lacey Buckalew was history.
    "I thought you always said you were graceful," Cole complained to Sawyer as he joined her at the table. "All you did was step on my toes."
    "That wasn't me, and I am graceful. Ask Riley. He just got sandwiched into a corner over there with Lacey and can't get out. By the way," she said, "I saw Lacey give you a look that means she'd like to get you onto the dance floor. It isn't any of my business, but I don't think Riley—"
    "You didn't see me dance with her, did you?"
    "Touchy, aren't we?" Sawyer kidded. At the look on Cole's face, she drew back. "I'm sorry, Cole. It's just that Riley is so ... so sensitive. You and Lacey had a thing going for several years. I thought... we all thought you were going to make it permanent. I am out of line. Forget I said anything."
    "She wanted to get married, I didn't," Cole growled. It was almost a relief to talk about it even though he was giving Sawyer, out of habit, a hard time.
    Sawyer sipped at her wine. "If I drink any more of this stuff, I'll have a good buzz on." She tried for a light tone. "Who's driving?"
    "I am, and I'll get you home in one piece. And it won't be the first time I've had to sober you up."

    "That's unkind, little brother. Circumstances ..." she let her voice trail off.
    "I think she's stringing Riley along. I also think she talked him into picking up her father's oil leases."
    Sawyer's face set into hard lines. "If he did, that's his problem now, isn't it? Riley's all grown up and has to take responsibility for his actions. He's not as fast track as you, but he's got to learn how not to be taken. If that's what's happen-ing.
    "Aren't you being kind of hard on him?"
    "Ah, to your cousin's defense. I like that, Cole. I can't get used to the idea that Riley would pick up your leftovers. I'm sure he was flattered when she came on to him, but engaged .. .Come on!"
    "It's none of our business," Cole said flatly.
    "Was it your business when she came on to you this evening? I wasn't spying, but I couldn't help overhearing."
    "Then you know my response. It's over. I'd never do anything to offend Riley. We trust each other."
    "Then somebody should tell Lacey before Riley gets downwind of his intended's intentions."
    "I already did."
    "Let's change the subject. Did you see the look on Thad's face when that Saudi sheik asked Grand to dance?"
    Cole hooted."Yeah, but the look on Grandmam's face was what got me. It was the first time I've ever seen her at a loss. Dancing with a guy in a dress!"
    "Robe. He was doing some serious talking to Mr. Hase-gawa. Thad said he ordered thirty million microchips. Just like that. We're in the wrong business, little brother."
    Cole wanted to tell her she was right, in regard to himself, but he kept quiet. He wished he had more of Sawyer's blase attitude toward life.
    "Well, I'm off to the ladies' room to powder my nose, providing I can find it. Hold down the table," Sawyer said.
    "Don't fall in," Cole cracked.
    "I'm not drunk, not even close to it. I feel good. Any time you want to talk some more, I'll listen. I've known for a long time that something's bothering you, and it isn't the Lacey thing, either."
    Cole's face was serious. "I'll keep it in mind. Go on, before you wet your pants."
    Sawyer squawked. "How—"

    "Because you're hopping from one foot to the other. If you don't think you can find the ladies' room, I can show you where it is."
    Cole laughed when Sawyer wobbled off. When she came back her hair would be combed, she'd have on fresh lipstick, and there would be a serious expression on her face, and she'd look every inch the professional aeronautical engineer that she was. His sister. And he loved her.
    Tess Buckalew fought her way across the crowded room, jabbing

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