A Coursing Passage (A Life of Magic Book 3)

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Book: A Coursing Passage (A Life of Magic Book 3) by Matthew Mitchell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Matthew Mitchell
question, "Must I?"
    Tulip looked at Raven and put her hand upon Raven's knee. "Perhaps it is time to share it with someone?"
    Raven took a deep breath and struggled some for a few minutes. Finally she shook her head, "Not tonight, please?" She asked gently.
    Tulip hugged Raven. "When you are ready then share with us, we care for you." She turned to me. "Perhaps we should have a lighter subject? Ott, would you share with us? How about sharing with us about a moment that would bring laughter to our hearts?"
    I nodded and grinned. "I can do that. All I have to do is tell you about my attempts to create jewelry." Stain chuckled and nodded.
    "That should do it." Stain commented.
    I shared the story about trying to make the amulets for Raven and myself. I described the frustration, the failures, even the times I threw pieces of silver across the room. By the time I was done we all were laughing at the ridiculous situation.
    "I daresay that you might have the worst ability to make jewelry that I have ever heard described." Tulip stood up. "I have missed sharing my fire with young people. This could become a pleasant habit. I am off to my bed. You should also." She turned and entered her wagon. After a few moments the light went off and then soft snores could be heard coming from the windows.
    "She goes to sleep quickly." Raven dryly stated.
    Stain stood up, "I myself am going to follow her example. These old bones are tired. Do not stay up too late, we have to maintain the same pace tomorrow as we did today." He went to his tent and closed the flap.
    Raven looked over at me and grinned, "Are you tired Ott?"
    I grinned and nodded, "Yes, but I would like to spend some time with you." I stood up. "I have a surprise. Stay there." I went to my pack from the day and retrieved a small basket I had quickly woven earlier. I carried it back to the fire and sat beside Raven. "I made this today, I thought you would enjoy it." I gently set the basket in the fire and we watched as it caught fire and started to smolder.
    "What does it do?" She asked quietly as she watched it.
    "Take a deep breath." I whispered.
    She leaned forward and took a deep breath. I knew what she was smelling. It would be a combination of resins, seeds, even some minerals. All combined it would remind her of a spring day. The sun shining brightly. Something to cheer her up.
    "Ott! That smells incredible!" She leaned against me.
    "Watch the flames. There's more." I pointed as the smoke changed color. It shifted from gray into a soft blue, then slowly to a brilliant green. It continued through all the colors of the rainbow until it burned white. The basket finally burned down and the fire returned to normal.
    "Was that magic? I did not feel any." Raven sounded happier.
    "No magic. Simply combining the right components in the right order. My father taught me how to do it." I smiled. She seemed more at peace. We sat there watching the fire in silence for a while. The camp was settling down for the night, the noises of people were fading until only the night guards could be heard walking around. Snores wafted through the air.
    "I think I am ready for sleep." Raven kissed me on the cheek and stood up. "Thank you for the fire, it was beautiful." She walked to her tent and closed the flap with a gentle smile on her face. I set the fire for the night, making sure there would be coals to start a fresh fire in the morning. I then headed to bed myself. I laid down and thought about the day. I could get used to this kind of life.
    Our journey continued the next morning. Raven continued to drive Tulip's wagon while Stain and I walked behind. Other minor injuries occurred and we handled them. Sometimes Stain sent me to handle small issues. Over the next couple of days we traveled in the same manner. We were getting closer to when we would join up with the larger Traveler's camp. I worried what would occur then. When I asked Stain he reassured me that things would be fine and I

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