Dawn, Dakota - The Desperate Fay King [Kidnapped by a Fay] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More ManLove)

Free Dawn, Dakota - The Desperate Fay King [Kidnapped by a Fay] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More ManLove) by Dakota Dawn

Book: Dawn, Dakota - The Desperate Fay King [Kidnapped by a Fay] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More ManLove) by Dakota Dawn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dakota Dawn
looking for him. Chase blinked back tears as he thought about the pain his family and friends had endured because of Reed. This was so messed up. He was stuck on another planet with absolutely no way to get home to the people he loved.
    Reed ran up to him then physically blocked him from moving forward. Releasing more of his pent-up anger, Chase hooked his leg around Reed’s knee and knocked him to the ground. In a blur of motion, he tangled his legs with Reed’s and put Reed in a headlock.
    Letting his rage out, he tightened his arm around Reed’s neck and stated, “I could kill you if I wanted to.”
    Reed’s long hair suddenly came to life and wrapped around Chase’s neck. “And I could kill you if I wanted to.”
    Chase was so shocked he let go of Reed. Reed quickly flipped over, grabbed Chase, then rolled until he was on top. His hair loosened its grip on Chase’s neck.
    “How did you do that?” Chase asked in a stunned voice. In all his years of training Chase had never seen anything like it. Reed’s silky strands were strong and deadly.
    “All fairies have special powers. The ability to control my hair is one of mine. Now that you are bonded to me, anything you did well before you will now be able to do extremely well.” Reed ground his hips into Chase’s. “You can’t fight the bond. We need each other, mentally and physically. Come back with me so I can teach you about your new people.”
    For a brief second Chase had seen a pleading look in Reed’s now-cool eyes. What was up with this guy? He was cold with flashes of hot. Then there was the wild heat that sizzled through Chase’s groin at the mere thought of Reed. Truth be told, Chase was stuck. He couldn’t go home, and he couldn’t stay with Nori. Plus, he had an uncontrollable need to be with Reed. “I’ll go with you, but don’t think I’m playing your submissive anymore.”
    Surprise flickered in Reed’s eyes. “You were playing a role?”
    “Yeah, I thought you were sent by my friend Craig as payback for something I did to him. When you came on all gruff and demanding, I thought I was supposed to play the submissive role.” Chase looked over Reed’s shoulder and saw Tate and Simon standing nearby.
    Tate starting laughing. “So that’s why you seemed so weak. But it’s obviously not true.”
    Reed’s teal eyes glowed with passion. “I was worried you were too weak to make it here, but all along you were a bad-ass hiding who you truly are.” Something dark flickered in Reed’s eyes. “What happened in the van?”
    Chase’s voice turned cold when he remembered those fools. “They jumped me when I was sleeping. Tied me up and threw me in their old-ass van. I pretended to be passed out. They were talking about how they were going to see what all I knew about you. They said they were going to kill me and you so they could take over. I heard them say they wouldn’t mate with humans. Their plan was to steal fairies from other planets to repopulate with.” Chase stopped for a second as he tried to get his anger under control.
    All three fairies gasped in shock.
    In a calm voice, Chase continued. “When their guard was down, I killed them.”
    Reed’s teal eyes glowed with wrath. “I’m glad you killed them. If we find any others that agree with them and are plotting to carry out their plan, they will be killed as well.”
    Tate bumped fists with Simon. “The Enlightened Ones did a good job picking him.”
    Reed looked over his shoulder and ordered, “Wait for us in the vehicle. We’ll be there in a second.”
    When the men were gone, he stroked Chase’s cheek then kissed him gently on the lips. “I’m sorry that happened to you. Later I want a full report of everything that happened.” Pride shone in Reed’s eyes. “Your strength is one of the reasons you were picked to help us repopulate. Will you help us?”
    Chase caved at the sincerity in Reed’s voice and eyes. “Yes.” Love bloomed in Chase’s chest, and he

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