Until the Colours Fade

Free Until the Colours Fade by Tim Jeal

Book: Until the Colours Fade by Tim Jeal Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tim Jeal
tightness in his throat. He had hoped to manage matters more smoothly.
    ‘Suspect you of anything, Helen? Nothing could be further from my mind. You ask me to be plain with you and I will try, although I confess to speak of such matters pains me beyond words.’ He paused and looked down at the tessellated floor of the conservatory. When he continued it was rapidly, as though he were eager to be done with what he had to say. ‘Lord Goodchild is at present embarrassed by the possibility of an action being brought against him by a Manchester physician.’
    Charles saw her smoothing her dress nervously and then gaze at him as if uncertain that she had heard him aright; then, recovering herself, she asked in a level voice:
    ‘May I ask the nature of this action?’
    ‘Crim con,’ he replied, with burning cheeks.
    She stared at him with sudden anger.
    ‘Come, Charles, our grandmothers used that term. May we not say adultery? This man’s wife is Harry’s mistress, I suppose?’ He nodded. ‘And Harry is likely to be cited in divorce proceedings brought against her by her husband? Have I understood you?’
    ‘You take this calmly, Helen,’ he replied with open admiration .
    ‘Was it not bound to happen sooner or later?’
    ‘Perhaps.’ He paused and groaned inwardly at how very differently he had envisaged her reacting. He had imagined tears and his comforting arm on her shoulder. ‘Matters are not quite as straightforward as I may have led you to believe,’ he went on. ‘Lord Goodchild will do all he can to stop the proceedings; he has many reasons for wishing to do so.’
    ‘Mr Braithwaite would not approve, I daresay,’ said Helen with a bitter smile.
    ‘Harry also has ambitions to be appointed general for the district when Delamere goes. A scandal would do little for his chances. Obviously he will bribe the doctor to prevent the action.’
    A silence followed, only broken by the chirping of small birds sheltering in the conservatory from the cold outside. Charles was alarmed by the strange expression on Helen’s face.
    ‘Why have you told me this?’ she whispered. ‘To make me wretched? What possible gain can there be in my knowing?’
    ‘Bear with me, Helen,’ he murmured, knowing that the critical moment had arrived. Now he could no longer delay telling her his plan. His eyes gleamed with excitement as he leaned towards her. ‘Should you try to force a separation now, Harry could not resist your demand, if you threaten to make his behaviour public.’
    He watched her face intently, not knowing what to expect. When she spoke, the soft sadness of her voice contrasted strangely with the harshness of what she had to say.
    ‘You must think me desperate indeed to dare suggest such a dishonourable course to me.’
    ‘I only do so,’ he cried, ‘because I cannot bear to see you humiliated .’ He gazed at her with tender entreaty. ‘Let me talk to this doctor, Helen. I will say that, unless he goes on with his divorce and tells Harry that he is going to, I intend to inform his superiors that he is taking bribes. To avoid the loss of his medical licence, he will oblige me.’
    Helen shook her head and frowned.
    ‘How can it help me if he does cite Harry? A wife cannot seek a divorce on the grounds of adultery alone.’
    Charles’s hopes rose again with what he took to be acquiescence on her part. He turned to her, his normally impassive face glowing with animation.
    ‘Tell Harry that only you can prevent the case being brought. Explain your hold over the man. If you do that, I’d stake my life Harry will consent to a separation in a month or two and make you a generous settlement. He has too much to lose to dare gamble on whether you are in earnest. Everything’s on your side – Harry’s reliance on old Braithwaite, the election … everything .’ He jumped up unable to hide his feverish excitement. ‘Your chance may not come again. A few months’ time and Harry will snap his fingers at any

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