The Sheikh's Fiery Lover (The Tazeem Twins Series Book 2)

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Book: The Sheikh's Fiery Lover (The Tazeem Twins Series Book 2) by Leslie North Read Free Book Online
Authors: Leslie North
    Joshua grunted in response. He definitely did not want to talk about it now. “Let’s go home,” Joshua spat out and walked out of the conference room. He really did not want to discuss her. Because of her, they nearly lost the contract.
    The twins arrived at their parents’ residence in time for dinner. They were eager to let their father know of their success. Their older brother and the crown prince; Talim, was seated at the dining table with their parents when they arrived. The twins bowed their heads to their father and then greeted their mother with a kiss on both cheeks. They sat down at the table while the maids quickly brought them plates and cutlery.
    “How was the trip?” the king asked.
    “It went well,” James said enthusiastically.
    “You renewed the contract?” Talim asked with his eyes widened.
    “Yes, we did.” James answered with a smile.
    “Why so surprised?” Joshua asked Talim.
    “Because the Russians are tough to please.”
    “It was easy,” Joshua said, stretching out his legs. His parents both laughed joyfully.
    “That is good,” said the queen. She asked one of the maids to bring some Champagne. “We have much to celebrate,” she added with a smile.
    “Well done,” the king said. That was as far as he went with the compliments.
    The twins had wanted to please their father; however now that they had accomplished what they wanted, it was not as sweet as Joshua thought it would be. The maids brought in the Champagne and glasses.
    “Let us make a toast,” the queen said, but Joshua did not hear what she said. He could not help but wonder how Rene was doing, as he had not spoken to her since their fight. Joshua smiled as his family started clinking their glasses. He sipped his Champagne and ate his food anxious to check on her.
    Talim and the king asked more details about the contract but only James answered. Joshua wanted to get out of there as soon as possible. Their mother also asked random questions but James did all the answering. Joshua barely paid attention and when he answered, he gave one-word responses.
    After dinner, the twins returned to the palace and Joshua headed to Rene's quarters. He wondered if she was still angry with him or if she had forgiven him. When he walked into her living room, her maids greeted him with deep bows. He stood there with his hands in his pockets.
    “Announce me to Rene,” he said to the maids. They looked at each other awkwardly. Muna played with her fingers nervously.
    “What?” he asked them.
    “Your highness, Miss Rene has left,” Maria said softly.

Chapter 14
    “Left where? She took a walk?”
    “No, your highness, she returned to the States.”
    “What are you talking about?” Joshua barked. Had he heard correctly? There was no way she had left and returned to the US. He looked at Maria, impatiently waiting for her response, “Speak now!” he shouted.
    “Miss Rene said that she was returning back to her home,” Maria quickly replied.
    “Impossible!” Joshua for the first time in his life felt nervous. He rushed to her bedroom and threw the doors open. Maybe it was a joke, she wanted him to feel bad for the argument they had that morning. He searched for traces of her in her bedroom but there were none. It was as if she was never there. He rushed out and returned to the living room. “When did she go?” he asked them.
    “Not too long after you left this morning,” Muna replied. Joshua pushed the vase with the purple roses aggressively causing it to crash to the floor. The maids gasped and took a few steps back.
    “This is bullshit,” Joshua said. He was angry and frustrated. Just because they had argued did not mean that she had to up and leave. “Did she say anything before she left?” he asked them.
    “Nothing, your highness. She only said that she wanted to go home,” Muna

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