The Sheikh's Fiery Lover (The Tazeem Twins Series Book 2)

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Book: The Sheikh's Fiery Lover (The Tazeem Twins Series Book 2) by Leslie North Read Free Book Online
Authors: Leslie North
the Russians wanted this contract just as much as they did. Because if the contract was not important to them, they would have left a long time ago.
    “I understand, brother,” Joshua said and walked into the conference room. The stone-faced Russians looked up as Joshua walked in. They really did not look happy.
    “Prince Tazeem, this is most unprofessional!” one of the Russian businessmen said in his heavy accent.
    “If it was not for your brother, we would have left,” another added.
    “I understand, gentlemen, and I make no excuses for myself,” Joshua replied and bowed his head. “However, I am here now.”
    “Why should we even continue with this contract if we cannot rely on you?” the Russian at the head of the table asked.
    “You can rely on me, on my brother and our company. Even though I was not here, James was still here. There will always be someone available to you. I also believe that you want this contract as much as we do, otherwise you would have left,” Joshua said unapologetically.
    He was never apologetic for his actions, he always found a way to make it work in his favour. It came across as arrogant but that was part of his charm. The Russians were not pleased by his words as the six men exchanged sceptical glances.
    “Young man, your disrespect is appalling,” said Mr Kashnikov; the owner of the Russian company.
    “Mr Kashnikov, I am not being insolent, I am simply pointing out an observation,” Joshua replied. James was leaning against the door watching it all unfold. He raised his eyebrows and shook his head. Joshua did not have a soft touch and it always pushed people over the edge. However, he was good at seeing what people wanted and was able to reel them back in using that.
    “It is because we respect King Tazeem; that is why we are still here.”
    “Tazeem Petroleum using your pipelines is why you are still here. As you are aware, our company drills, refines and exports a lot of oil.”
    “What is your point?”
    “We generate vast profits for you.”
    “So do other companies.”
    “Not as much as we do. We are also expanding our company into other countries. You definitely will want to be aligned with us.”
    Joshua and Mr Kashnikov went back and forth; as Mr Kashnikov asked every question he could think of to challenge Joshua who stayed in control of the situation. He answered every question thrown at him, addressing every issue thoughtfully and concisely. He was determined to win him over and in the end he did. By the end of the meeting, Mr Kashnikov knew that he was a man he could trust.
    The Russians were also impressed by James’ calm demeanour and reliability. He had calmed them down when Joshua was late and he was equally as knowledgeable about the company and was able to field questions until his brother arrived. The Russians finally signed the contract with the Tazeem Petroleum Company.
    “Do not let us down,” Mr Kashnikov said to the twins before he and the other businessmen left.
    “We will not,” Joshua replied. James sighed with relief when the Russians left before turning his attention to his brother.
    “We did it.”
    Joshua pushed out a breath, “We did.”
    James and Joshua did their secret handshake and laughed. James leaned against the table and sighed heavily, “So tell me exactly why you were back at the palace?”
    Joshua frowned. He knew that his brother was not going to let it go. He too did not know why he went back. The fight he had with Rene still resonated with him.
    “Never mind that,” said Joshua as Mirena walked in and collected the paperwork.
    “Congratulations, your highnesses,” she said to the twins and bowed to them.
    “Thank you,” they both said at the same time.
    “Keep up the good work,” Joshua said to her.
    “Thank you, sir,” she smiled and left the room.
    “You went to see Rene,” James

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