The Sheikh's Fiery Lover (The Tazeem Twins Series Book 2)

Free The Sheikh's Fiery Lover (The Tazeem Twins Series Book 2) by Leslie North

Book: The Sheikh's Fiery Lover (The Tazeem Twins Series Book 2) by Leslie North Read Free Book Online
Authors: Leslie North
robe and fastened it tightly around her.
    “You knew that I had work to do, let’s not do this again.”
    “Do what Joshua? I really tried to hold back but I can't anymore.”
    “I do not have time to talk about this right now. I am already lat-”
    “You never have time!” she shouted. She was so upset and angry; she could feel her cheeks turning red. She started fanning herself. He was only here for a night? She felt used.
    “I have work to do,” Joshua's tone was serious and flat as he dressed. Walking up to him, she took his face in her hands and searched his eyes.
    “When we first met, you had come to the hotel because work was stressing you out. Obviously you need to work less,” Rene said to him. He had been stressed and wanted to get away from it but here he was now spending all his time in the office. It did not make sense.
    “I love my work. Everyone needs a break from time to time,” Joshua replied. Rene bent down, picked up his suit jacket and helped him put it on.
    “We were so happy at the hotel. Don't you see that you are happier when you are not at work?”
    “Rene, stop,” Joshua said. “I have to go. I have no choice.” Rene growled in frustration.
    “You are a prince for goodness sake. You can delegate the work to others, you don't have to do everything by yourself.”
    “I can do whatever I want to do and how I want to do it,” he told her coldly.
    “Do you even care about me at all?” she asked.
    “Why do you have to make this about you? My work has nothing to do with you!” he shouted. That was the loudest he had ever raised his voice at her. He took a deep breath, “I have an important meeting to go to and you are delaying me. I need to go,” he said but this time he had lowered his tone.
    “I know how this will end. I just thought… Just go, GO!” she shouted and turned away. She did not want to see his back again.
    Joshua threw the doors open with so much force the frame splintered before he stormed out of her bedroom. She was hurt by his callous behaviour. It seemed as though he did not care about her and she was angry at herself for following someone she had only known for a short time.
    She hated that she had fallen for him so quickly and now he was breaking her heart. She had not thought everything through. It should have been nothing more than a fling. Rene dropped to the floor and started sobbing.

Chapter 13
    Joshua climbed the steps and entered the jet’s cabin. His brother was furious with him for disappearing. He was only supposed to be gone for the night, but he had stayed far longer than he intended. He had spent two days with Rene and completely lost track of time.
    He hated that she had such an effect on him. Never in his life had he allowed a woman to come between him and his work. He was disappointed in himself because if they weren't able to renew this contract because of him, then the company would be affected by that loss. Not to mention what his father would say.
    When he arrived at the meeting site, he rushed past reception and went straight to the conference room. He found his brother waiting for him outside. James wore a worried expression. Seeing his twin like this shot a pang of guilt through him. He had never let anything distract him from work, especially a woman. It was very unlike him.
    “Where have you been?” James demanded as soon as he approached him.
    “I know, I messed up, but I am here now,” Joshua replied.
    “The Russians are really angry. It took a lot to calm them down and keep them here.”
    Joshua could not fathom just how angry they were. It had taken him three hours to get there from the palace, which meant they had been waiting for him for much longer. Had the shoe been on the other foot, he would have left.
    He was not that patient and hated people wasting his time. One thing he had learnt out of this situation was that

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