
Free Emerald by Garner Scott Odell

Book: Emerald by Garner Scott Odell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Garner Scott Odell
find out about when we return home
, David thought, and winked at Miriam.
    “Now, let’s get down to business,” the inspector continued. “I have a copy of the most recent Interpol report here somewhere - - -ah, here it is.” He pulled a buff folder out of the middle of one of the piles on his desk.
    “How did you…”
    “How did I find that particular file in the midst of all this mess?”
    “Well, I…”
    “It’s all right. My desk has looked like this for over fifteen years now, and I have never lost a single file. A gift from God, I think.” Servette chuckled. “In fact my officers have had a standing bet for about ten years now that one of them will ask me for a file that I won’t be able to find, and I haven’t lost yet.” He laughed and then immediately continued.
    “There were two ghastly murders committed in Switzerland near Lake Constance, in the north-west section of our country several days ago. It was one of the most gruesome, senseless acts I’ve ever seen. Done by some deranged - - - I hesitate to call him - - - human being. It would have been just a tragic double murder except for some of the details that I think should interest you. Most notably, the murderer left some weird cuts on the upper right arm of each victim.”
    Miriam looked at David. “I know what you’re thinking Miriam, and I agree,” David responded. “It looks like the Dagger has been at it again. When did the murders take place, Inspector?”
    “Four days ago, but the bodies weren’t discovered until yesterday morning. Forensics didn’t discover a thing that is helpful. Obvious this abominable act was committed by a deranged person, yet highly professional. Why don’t I give you the file and you two can go over what details we have at the moment, yourselves, then you can telephone me with any questions. Better still; come to my home for dinner tonight. We can discuss these murders and your other business in Geneva, but I still won’t tell you about that infamous birthday party. Still, I assure you it will be a dinner you won’t soon forget.”
    “That would be wonderful, Inspector, and thank you for your help!” David said gratefully.
    “Splendid. I’ll have my driver pick you up at your hotel at seven.”
    David and Miriam rose and shook hands saying in unison, “until seven then, and thank you so much for your hospitality.”


    W alking up the rough cobblestone street in the old part of the city past Cathédrale St-Pierre, where Calvin preached reform, Hans paused outside a small floral shop and picked out a single red rose from the dozens in the basket on the sidewalk. Entering the shop, he handed the rose to the shopkeeper and watched as it was gently wrapped in green paper accompanied by a sprig of white baby’s breath. Handing the floral package back to the elderly man in front of him, the wizened shopkeeper whispered, “I hope you and the lady have a pleasant evening, monsieur.” He winked.
    “You can be sure I’ll enjoy this evening,” Hans answered as he left the shop.
    In the next block he stood in front of a building with a large, black and yellow wrought-iron sign hanging over the building’s entrance announcing that this was Christie’s, 1766 . Hans paused for a moment and then sighed deeply. He turned the heavy brass door knob and entered. Holding the rose behind his back, he approached the middle-aged woman working in the corner. She looked up at the opening of the door.
    “Klaus, how nice to see you again!”
    “And you as well, kind Emily.” Hans offered her the rose.
    Emily held the rose and asked quietly, blushing, “Oh, Klaus, its exquisite, but why?”
    “It is just a small thank you for your kindness to a stranger in your city. If you would please permit me to buy you a drink and dinner, my time in Geneva would be complete.”
    “I couldn’t, really. I don’t even know you.”
    “True, lovely lady, but I assure you I’m quite harmless, and I’ve been

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