
Free Touched by Vicki Green

Book: Touched by Vicki Green Read Free Book Online
Authors: Vicki Green
when I help her lay down and bring the covers up and over her. “I can go home if all I’m going to do is lay around in bed.”
I can’t stop my chuckle and sit down beside her. “How about you not be so stubborn for a while and let me take care of you.” I flick her nose with my finger, and she actually lets out a small giggle. “There. That’s better. Now, I want you to rest and I don’t think you’ll get any while I’m in here.” Her eyebrows raise high up into her forehead, but I can see the corner of her mouth lifting a little. I lean down to where our faces are only an inch apart and give her lips a peck. “I promise there’ll be plenty of sexy time once you’re healed.” I kiss her lips again, lingering a little longer this time, but before we both get heated again I lean back again. “Count on it.”
Later that evening we had an excellent dinner. She seems to be feeling a lot better once she got some rest. We’ve actually been having a great time eating and laughing as we sit at the dining room table, even staying there after the dishes were cleared. “So, I don’t know if you know this, you seem to know more than I’d like but Amber is a great graphic artist.” I raise my brows, my wine glass almost to my lips, and I know the look of surprise has to be apparent on my face. She looks down at her glass of water, and then her eyes move back to mine through her long lashes. “I know she’s young but I think she has a very prominent future in graphic design. You should take a look at her work sometime.”
“Ah, a little plug for your friend.” Her head raises and she opens her mouth to defend herself, but I stop her. “I would love to see her work.” She closes her mouth and smiles. “I’m always looking for new and fresh talent. Maybe when we go and pack up your things I can look then.” Her mouth drops again, and her eyes go wide then move into a squint.
She laughs. “I don’t know why you think my things need to be packed. I’m not going anywhere. In fact, I need to find a new job this week. I have bills to be paid.” She takes a sip of her water and sets the empty glass down on the table.
I reach over and take her hand in mine. My other hand covers them both, and I stare into her eyes with feelings I’ve never had before. They’re overwhelming me. “Jade, let me take care of you, let me be your everything. I know that’s hard for you but I need it. I want it and something tells me maybe you want that too. Haven’t you given enough penance for your past? Isn’t it time for you to have everything you really deserve but don’t think you do? Let me be the one to give you that.” She gasps and tries to pull her hand free, but I tighten my grip. “Yes. I know about the baby. I know the loss you suffered at a young age but it wasn’t your fault. Quit punishing yourself for it, sweetheart. Let me show you how real love feels, how someone can love you and your body and not as a subject for their own kicks, their own desire. Let me love you.”
The look of anger I receive makes my heart plummet. I’m an idiot. I’ve done this too soon, but I couldn’t help myself. She deserves so much more than what she has in her life. She pulls her hand hard, and I let it go so she doesn’t hurt herself, she stands quickly knocking over her chair and backs up against the wall. “You don’t know me! You can’t know me!” She looks at me with a look of confusion mixed with her anger. “How did you find out? You’ve been digging around in my past? What the fuck nerve you have. Or did Amber tell you?” I shake my head sadly, and she laughs. “You want to love me? Give me what I deserve? Ha! I deserve what my life has become, what I need it to become. YOU DON’T KNOW ANYTHING!”
She storms out of the room, heading towards the bedroom, and I know I’ve made the biggest mistake of my life.

I’m fuming as I jog to the bedroom. I gather up the few things I have in the room, grab

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