Challenging Andie

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Book: Challenging Andie by Sally Clements Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sally Clements
laid both hands against the cool tiles behind the shower head. Closed his eyes, and surrendered to the kaleidoscope of images that flickered behind his eyelids in an unrelenting show reel. Heat raced through him. The sound of water hammering on the floor of the shower stall sparked memories of a long forgotten thunderstorm, rain streaming down a baked mud wall—terracotta pooling with swirls of blood. Ryan’s arms shook as he pushed hard against the tiles. His chest burned with the effort of breathing. Slowly, he leaned against the cold tiles, and slid down the wall into a crouch.
    Andie rotated her shoulders, feeling the muscles roll loose and easy. She twisted her hair up and stuck a chopstick from the kitchen drawer through it to keep it off her neck, then opened the box of eggs brought in from the car.
    Everyone could cook—it was a necessary skill to master if you lived alone and wanted to eat. There was one specialty in her culinary toolbox, pancakes. She intended to use it.
    She sifted flour into a large bowl, and made a well in the center. Cracked in a couple of eggs, and mixed, watching as the flour clouded the eggs surface and the heavy grains fell from the sides into the thickening batter. Milk and water poured in a thin stream were added and stirred. The shower had stopped. He must be getting dressed.
    Andie swallowed, strangely nervous at the prospect of meeting Ryan now the sun was in the sky. In the darkness of the night they’d been totally in sync, bodies melding again and again in every possible permutation of lovemaking. She touched fingers to her heated cheek. She hadn’t been able to get enough of him. Like a potent drug that flooded her system, she’d been completely addicted. Now, in the clear light of day…
    Andie strode from the mixing bowl to fetch herself a glass of cold water. Nerves jumped in her stomach. It was ridiculous to feel so nervous, so worried about how he would feel in the morning. Last night had been a stolen moment in time. He would go back to Bekostan, and she’d never see him again. She’d been prepared for that the moment they tumbled into bed—the fact that somehow, sometime during the long night she’d started to long for something more was disquieting, nothing more. She’d dealt with someone she cared about leaving before. She could do it again.
    She took a lemon out of the brown paper sack they’d bought at the store on the way to the cottage, and concentrated on slicing it into thin rounds.
    The bedroom door creaked. There were heavy, slow footsteps on the stairs, then the kitchen door swung open.
    “You’re up early.” Ryan’s smile was forced. He looked pale, washed out and awkward. Hell .
    “I decided to make pancakes.” The early morning decision to dress in the sexy nightie had been a mistake. In her imagination, he’d smiled with one look at the pale ivory silk. In reality, he glanced away. “There’s coffee.” A point at the coffee machine. “I’ll just get dressed.” She needed to escape. To get out quick before she ran a hand over his creased brow, asked what was the matter. She was the matter. The night that filled her with a warm glow of belonging obviously had the opposite effect on Ryan. The sooner she strapped armor over her heart the better.
    Ryan’s strong hand caught her upper arm as she passed. “Andie…” Pain was evident in the depths of his eyes. Pain laced with regret. Andie’s stomach flipped as though she was in an elevator that had suddenly plummeted twenty floors. She didn’t want to hear. Couldn’t hide the disappointment on her face if he said the affair was over. Pride demanded she act like an adult and keep her dignity.
    “I’ve a busy day today. I want to go through my mother’s stuff. What are you planning?” Her cheeks ached with the stretched, stuck-on smile.
    Ryan’s hand fell to his side. “I don’t know.” He pushed a hand through his hair. “I guess I should review the news feed.”

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