Challenging Andie

Free Challenging Andie by Sally Clements

Book: Challenging Andie by Sally Clements Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sally Clements
brush of his naked thigh sent her heart beating faster. She couldn’t wait any longer, couldn’t… Her hands clutched around his torso. “Ryan.” She sounded aroused and needy, and didn’t care. She was both.
    “I need a condom.” He grabbed his jeans from the floor, retrieved a small foil packet, and quickly sheathed himself.
    Andie’d never felt such abandon. Such urgency. She wasn’t a virgin, there’d been a couple of boyfriends through the years, but sex had always been a disappointment. It had never been anything like this. This was a desperate need—an overload of all her senses—that banished thought and reason.
    She trailed her lips over his jaw, loving the feeling of rough stubble. Her mouth parted to drag her teeth across his neck.
    He jerked at the contact. “Slow down,” he breathed against her temple.
    A laugh bubbled up from nowhere, delight made real. “No,” she whispered. “Go faster.”
    Ryan groaned. “You’re killing me here.”
    If this was killing—being an assassin would be her dream job.
    With one hand, he eased her back onto the cool cotton sheets. “We’re taking it slow.” His eyes burned with a fever that matched the heat burning through her.
    One hand cupped her breast and he lavished attention on its partner, teasing the nipple with his teeth, turning her blood molten. She gripped his muscled shoulders, as the sensation intensified.
    Slowly, with painful intensity, his mouth moved lower, lips trailing over her stomach. Andie gasped. “Come up here.” She wanted the weight of his body on hers with a desire that verged on desperation.
    He looked up with a tormenting smile. “Not yet.”
    He held her arms flat against the bed, then shifted, moving lower.
    Andie gave in to sensation, parting her legs with a soft sigh. As his head dipped to the juncture of her thighs, her sigh turned to a moan.
    His hands slipped below her bottom, angling her up, then warm hands caressed her inner thighs, the slow strokes echoing the movement of his tongue.
    Andie gasped and bunched the sheet between frantic fingers. She writhed as his hands moved to cup her breasts. Heard her frantic breaths as fingers teased her erect nipples. She couldn’t hold on, couldn’t…
    Fireworks exploded behind her closed eyes, and she soared higher, higher, then tumbled over the top and floated back toward earth again.
    She pulled in breath after breath, in search of air.
    “You’re so beautiful,” Ryan’s deep voice was almost a growl. His hands smoothed over her inner thighs.
    Andie buried her hands in his hair.
    In one smooth movement, they were chest to chest.
    She held him close as their mouths met, in a kiss so deep, so intense that her eyelids flickered shut again.
    She felt like she’d run a marathon, but somehow, as his mouth moved to trail down her neck, the sensation overload relit the flame of desire in her core again. His rigid length was against her thigh, and she wriggled, wanting him closer, wanting him inside.
    Her hands slipped lower, wantonly gripping his firm behind.
    “Make love to me,” she whispered against his temple.
    She felt the smile on Ryan’s lips. He shifted, and in one strong stroke, entered her.
    She was so ready for him, and yet he was so big that her body stretched to accommodate him.
    Ryan stilled instantly. “All right?” he whispered.
    “More than all right.” Joy shone through Andie, as though a sun was inside her chest, infusing its heat and sunlight outward through her arms and hands, filling her with its glow.
    Ryan’s hand cupped the side of her face, and she moved her mouth to his palm, kissing and tasting the salt on his skin as he moved faster and faster until their rapid breaths matched, and, in perfect synch, they careened off the precipice, and soared, like hawks caught in an updraft, together.
    Ryan was in trouble. He knew it. He’d never been one for spooning, but the feel of Andie’s soft body, relaxed in sleep curved up against his was

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