Penguins of Madagascar Movie Novelization

Free Penguins of Madagascar Movie Novelization by Tracey West

Book: Penguins of Madagascar Movie Novelization by Tracey West Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tracey West
Short Fuse.
    â€œNot a clue,” answered Corporal.
    â€œBlast it!” Classified cried. He pointed at Brutus. “You. Free us,” he said as if he were talking to a child. “We give you ma-ny fish-es.”
    Classified pantomimed eating a fish. “Mmm, yummy!”
    Brutus ignored him. He punched buttons on the console, and the platform flipped around. An enormous death machine faced them.
    â€œWhat is that?” Classified asked.
    Bright lights came on, illuminating the dials on the death machine: Dead. Deader. Deadest. Really Dead. Really, Really Dead.
    â€œOh great,” Classified moaned.
    The machine whirred to life. The platform slowly inched toward the machine. Whomp! Two metal compactors slammed together. As soon as the platform reached them, they’d be crushed.
    Short Fuse started to lose it again. “Oh no! This is it!”
    â€œI don’t want to die all squishy!” Corporal wailed.
    Eva rolled her eyes. She was the only one who kept her cool.
    The platform inched even closer. . . .
    â€œOh, we’re dead! Dead! Dead!” Classified yelled, grabbing onto Corporal.
    Suddenly, the team was whisked backward just before the compactors smashed together.
    Classified’s eyes were shut tightly. He didn’t realize they’d been saved. “Oh no! We’re dead! Deeeeeeeaaaaaaaaad!”
    The platform revolved around, revealing Private at the controls, holding a bat. Brutus fell to the ground, unconscious.
    Private pressed a button, releasing the chains binding the agents. Classified still clung to Corporal. When he opened his eyes and saw Private, he snapped back into tough-guy mode.
    â€œHello! I pushed a button!” Private said.
    â€œHo ho ho! Super! Well done, Private!” he praised.
    â€œGood work, malinki ,” Eva said affectionately.
    â€œEh, yes, excellent button pushing,” Classified said, trying to cover for his failure. “Hm. Compliment, praise, etcetera. All right agents, we are back inbusiness. Time to take down Dave.”
    Private smiled, glad to be part of a team again. Then he saw the North Wind racing for the wrong exit. “Wait! Skipper, Kowalski, Rico—and those penguins,” Private said, pointing. “They’re this way!”
    The agents stopped.
    â€œRight, and as soon as we return to the North Wind headquarters, grab fresh equipment, and work up a smashing new plan, we’ll come speeding back and take down Dave,” Classified said.
    â€œBut they’re in danger!” Private urged.
    â€œWe can’t go running in without a plan,” Eva said.
    â€œWe got no tech, man! I need my booms!” Short Fuse said.
    Private was angry. “Skipper wouldn’t care! Plan or no! Fancy equipment or no! He’d never leave a man behind!”
    His words stopped the agents. They watched as Private, small and alone, took the exit leading toward danger. They hesitated for a moment—and then Classified led them through the opposite door.
    â€œCome on,” Classified said.

Dave Takes Manhattan
    Inside his submarine, Dave was getting ready for his big New York appearance. He spoke to his henchmen. “Gentlemen, what we do now, we do for all octopus-­kind. But mostly for me.” Dave looked up to watch a news report on his TV screen.
    â€œBREAKING NEWS! The penguins have been found,” the reporter was saying. “Okay, according to my notes, genetic researcher Dr. Octavius Brine has found the penguins and is bringing them here to New York’s Battery Park. The penguins are coming back! Oh my gosh! Loooook!”
    Dave suddenly appeared on the water, risingfrom the unseen submarine below him. He held a microphone. He tapped it to make sure it was working and then said, “Penguin lovers of the world! Guess who I found?” The crowd roared with delight.
    â€œIt wasn’t easy,” Dave continued, “but seeing the

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