Hot Springs Werewolf Complete Series (BBW Werewolf Erotic Romance)
asked him a single question that I'd planned to. The new Finch. The old Finch. In the end, dancing with Freyr (who'd abandoned me in the middle of the dance floor like a jerk) had yielded more information than anything else. He claimed the Guile family had stolen his land with the help of a Finch. And there was the newspaper headline up in the office to investigate: MASS SLAYING AT FINCH FARM.
    It was Sunday but it was a fair bet the Historical Society would be open today cleaning up from last night. I had writing to do but this mystery was too much for me not to look into.
    I turned off the hotplate and started compiling a list of questions in my mind as I served up breakfast.
    I pulled up at the Historical Society and turned Boris off. It looked different in the day. Lonely, empty. The front car-park had only a few cars sitting there and I saw rubbish from last night scattered around the front from when the crowd had milled outside.
    Because they heard a werewolf howl .
    I got out of Boris and saw the window of the upstairs office had a piece of plywood nailed over it. Gotta move quickly when a werewolf smashes out your window. Don't want the rain getting in. My guess had been correct: the front doors were open and I could see people moving around inside.
    I walked over and entered the front hall and then nearly jumped out of my skin when a voice spoke from nowhere.
    "Can I help you?"
    I turned, my heart thumping, as the wrinkled-like-a-raisin lady from last night approached me.
    "Yes dear?"
    I took a deep breath and found my voice.
    "Hi, I'm Harper Finch. I was here last night and I saw some photos of my family and newspaper headlines. I was wondering if there was anyone I could talk to for more information."
    "Harper Finch. Hmm."
    She pursed her lips at me and looked me up and down as though she was trying to decide something.
    "I'm Eadie Crisp. When did you see the newspaper headlines?"
    I glanced towards the back of the hall and saw it was all photographs. The framed newspapers were upstairs in the room where Red and I had ... broken the window.
    I was busted. She knew it. I knew it.
    "It was last night. I was upstairs when the window broke. I'm sorry."
    "Did you break it?"
    I shook my head.
    "Then why are you sorry?"
    "I just... I'm generally sorry the window is broken. I don't have much money but I can help pay to fix it."
    She smacked me on the back of the hand in the way old women do. "You didn't break it so you don't pay for it. Don't worry about it."
    Eadie gave me a brief smile and then waved at a volunteer who'd just arrived. She pointed him towards the back of the hall where others were moving hay bales towards a side door as carefully as possible.
    "My husband Donald is the expert on the whole Finch-Toulouse-Guile history. He's not here at the moment because he has a sore head. He'll be here on Tuesday from ten in the morning and I'll be sure to tell him you're coming."
    Finch-Toulouse-Guile? I knew two of those names but who were Toulouse?
    "That would be wonderful. Are there any documents or things I could look at right now just to get started?"
    "Sorry, everything is locked up. You could drive to the Finch Mansion. I believe it's being renovated."
    Finch Mansion - since when did my family have a mansion? I turned on my phone and took the address from Eadie. Or to be more precise, she took the phone from me and pinned the destination to my online map before handing it back to me. For someone so old and wrinkled, she was down with the new technology.
    'Thank you so much. Please tell Donald I'll be here on Tuesday."
    She waved a finger in my face. "Wait here. I do have something for you."
    Eadie walked away across the hall and through the back door. I stood there watching the volunteers slowly transform the hall back to normal. The hay bales were dropping bits off them like crazy and there was a lot of huffing and puffing as the volunteers tried to move them to the side door.
    Eadie returned a few minutes

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