My Savior Forever
his arms around my shoulders
and says, “Awww, I’m sorry, baby. I’ll teach you.”
    I duck under his arms and step back.
“Then I’ll be able to whoop your ass,” I say laughingly. He darts
over to me, and I quickly turn and half run around the pool table.
He starts chasing me around the table. I can tell he’s playing with
me, and hardly running because he knows I can’t run very fast right
    As he catches up to me, he grabs me
from behind and wraps his arms around me causing my arms to be
trapped. We are both laughing so hard when a phone starts ringing.
We both stop and he lets me go. He reaches in the front pocket of
his jeans and pulls out his satellite phone. He turns so that his
back is to me.
    “Tyler. What? Fuck! No, go ahead and
keep me posted. Hmm. No, he shouldn’t do that. Why? Because it’s
too risky and he could be followed not to mention he could get
himself killed. UGH! Ok, Ok.”
    As he hangs up, he turns his head and
looks at me. “Um, that was Ty. He said dad is on his way here. He
tried to talk him out of coming but he wants to meet you and find
out what is going on,” Jesse says clearly aggravated.
    “Oh, kay. Is that really so bad, him
coming here? I mean, since this is your family’s Safe House,
wouldn’t he know how to be careful in getting here without drawing
attention?” I ask.
    Jesse walks over to the bar, goes
behind it and grabs a beer out of the refrigerator. He holds it up
to me and I nod. I walk over and sit down at the bar. He opens the
beer and sets it down in front of me.
    He looks up to the ceiling. “I’m just
nervous about him being followed or worse killed trying to get
here. You have to understand, when we used to come here it was to
get away from the public not some bad guys trying to kidnap or kill
people, so I’m not sure how careful he will be. I just worry about
    “You sound really close,” I sigh,
“That must really be nice to have someone who loves you that much,
wanting to be there for you.”
    Jesse looks at me with a sad look on
his face. “Baby, I am so sorry that you haven’t had that in your
life. But that’s going to change. We’re together now, right? I
mean….I mean…I want us to be together.” Jesse leans over the bar
and cups my face with his right hand. He rubs my cheek with his
    I look in his loving blue eyes and
sigh. “Jesse, I would love nothing more than for us to be together.
I…” I stop myself. OH my God I almost told him I loved him. It’s
too soon. I might scare him off.
    “You what, honey?” He asks.
    “Um, I just love being with you.” I
smile widely. He walks around the bar and I turn in my seat towards
him. He grabs the sides of my face with both hands. “I (kiss), love
(kiss), being (kiss), with (kiss), you (kiss), too.” Then he
crushes his lips to mine, and I open my mouth
    After we make out, for who knows how
long, we go upstairs and Jesse starts dinner. I grab a seat at the
island counter and ask, “So when will your dad be here?” Jesse
turns around with a pan in his hand, turns his left arm over to
look at his watch. “Oh, in about an hour. Probably in time for
    I just about fall off my seat. “Oh, my
God! I better go upstairs and clean up!” I say backing out of the
kitchen. While Jesse is laughing at me, I turn and run up the


    After I am all cleaned up, I head for
the closet. Hmmmm, what to wear. I see a really pretty long sleeved
pink dress. I try it on and look in the bathroom mirror. The length
hits me right above my knees, a fitted waist and a V neck that
shows some of my cleavage but not too much. I would say I was
blessed with C cup sized breasts but with my really small frame, I
think I look a little deformed. Maybe I do need to add a few
pounds. As I look in the mirror, I pull out some strands of hair to
the side. Yes I definitely need a trim and soon!
    I start to make my way downstairs and
stop at the top because I hear

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