The Eyes of a Doll (The World of Shijuren Book 2)

Free The Eyes of a Doll (The World of Shijuren Book 2) by Rob Howell

Book: The Eyes of a Doll (The World of Shijuren Book 2) by Rob Howell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rob Howell
    “We’ve been working at each other for a long fuckin’ time, keeping within the fuckin’ boundaries, ya know?”
    I did not, but I nodded anyway.
    “We both fuckin’ know we have to work around each other but it’s all fuckin’ business. We even sometimes fuckin’ work together.”
    I nodded again.
    “Ylli’s been fuckin’ with me. More than ever lately. He must be the one who fuckin’ killed Aca.”
    “Aca is the guy I found?”
    “Yeah, he’s the fuckin’ guy you found. Who the fuck else would I fuckin’ be talking about? I had him trying to figure out exactly what the fuck Ylli is doing right now. I’m tired of him fuckin’ annoying me.”
    Gibroz glared at me.
    “He’s even more fuckin’ annoying than you, and that’s fuckin’ annoying enough. Still not sure why I didn’t drop your body in the lake.”
    “Doesn’t matter now.”
    He shrugged. “Not now, no, but the lake’s always a fuckin’ option for you.”
    “Why haven’t you dropped Ylli in the fucking lake then?”
    “You’re just one fuckin’ guy. Ylli’s got a crew of fuckin’ guys.”
    “So do you.”
    “Yeah, but neither of us can really fuckin’ get at the other. Taking Ylli out in his own fuckin’ town will be expensive. Bad fuckin’ business.”
    “And the same here for him.”
    “Fuckin’ right. He don’t fuckin’ want to fuck with me here.”
    “Except he’s been fucking with you lately.”
    “Stupid fucker thinks he can take money out of my fuckin’ lake trade by using the Kopayalitsa.”
    “It can’t hold big wagons anymore.”
    Gibroz snorted. “Yeah, but it’s not the big fuckin’ cargos that make the big fuckin’ money. I had Aca looking into exactly what Ylli was fuckin’ shipping and where he was fuckin’ getting it from. I know he’s not been fuckin’ giving me the cut he’s fuckin’ supposed to.”
    “Gabrijela said I might be useful. How?”
    Gibroz leaned back and looked at me for a long moment.
    “You’re just one fuckin’ guy, but you’re fuckin’ different, I’ll give you that.”
    “So Ylli knows my fuckin’ guys, he don’t know you.”
    “You think I can talk to him where your guys can’t?”
    He laughed harshly.
    “You’re so fuckin’ stupid. No, I think my fuckin’ guys get killed right as they fuckin’ get to Lezh. You’ve got a fuckin’ chance to stay alive for a few fuckin’ days and find out what I fuckin’ need to know.”
    “Before they find me and kill me.”
    He nodded happily.
    “What do you need to know?”
    “Exactly what the fuck Ylli is shipping east and who the fuck is shipping west to him on the Kopayalitsa.”
    “So you can stop it.”
    “No, so I can get all of my fuckin’ cut.” He laughed at my foolishness. “He’s been giving me a cut of what he fuckin’ tells me is going down that road, but I know he’s sending more than he is fuckin’ paying me for.
    “Why would I help you?”
    “Well, I’d owe you a fuckin’ favor, and that fuckin’ means something.”
    “Not if I’m dead.”
    “No, but I fuckin’ saw you with the damned Gropas. You didn’t have to fuck with Pal, and that nearly fuckin’ killed you. You don’t fuckin’ care about that.”
    “I actually do, quite a bit.”
    “Not more than whatever your fuckin’ honor says.”
    I shrugged.
    “So you want to fuckin’ make sure that you’ll help your fuckin’ friend. You’re not going to fuckin’ let this go or you wouldn’t have fuckin’ showed up here knowing I’d as soon ace you as fuckin’ anything.”
    “You still haven’t told me anything I don’t know.”
    “I can point you at places to fuckin’ start you won’t fuckin’ find from nobody else. I can give you a better fuckin’ chance to help your fuckin’ friend. You just get me the information I fuckin’ want and you help me bloody Ylli’s fuckin’ nose, which will fuckin’ help your friend, and you get your fuckin’ favor.”
    “Assuming I

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