Wrapped Up in a Beau
cautiously, “What about her?”
    Sophie rolled her eyes. “Please. It took me a minute or two to figure it out, but I know she’s the reason you canceled your trip.”
    Man, he liked it better when Sophie wasn’t so perceptive. His first instinct was to deny it, but what for? Sophie was partly the reason Greta wouldn’t go out with him. Maybe this was the perfect time to ask for a little sisterly blessing. “How did you figure it out?”
    Her expression said, Are you kidding? “It’s been pretty obvious from the get-go. At the party, when you said you had to go to the airport, you looked as if you were announcing your escort to prison. The way you were ogling Greta made it clear your decision to stay had a bit to do with her. I saw you two talking and dancing as if no one else was in the room. Your eyes haven’t left her since.” She slowly smiled, seemingly proud of her observation skills. “I always, in the back of my mind, wondered how it would go when you two actually came face-to-face.” She sighed. “I had a feeling this would happen.”
    â€œThat what would happen? Sis, if you’re against—”
    â€œLet me finish. I had a feeling this would happen, and…I was sort of hoping it would.”
    He regarded her a few moments. He hadn’t seen that coming and had a hard time believing it. “Really?” he asked skeptically.
    â€œSure. Why do you think I told you to keep her company? You’re single, she’s single. You like smart, pretty women and she thinks sarcasm is sexy. I would like to see someone enjoy a little holiday romance. But I know how she thinks and I had a little talk with her this afternoon. At first, she completely denied being interested in you, but then I did my little test to make sure.”
    â€œWhat test?”
    â€œI told her if she wasn’t interested in you, then she certainly wouldn’t care what you said about her, and I immediately changed the subject. It never fails. When she demanded I spill, I knew I had her.” She beamed with pride.
    â€œI haven’t said anything about her to you.”
    â€œShe didn’t know that.”
    Leave it to his sister to trick the truth out of someone. “Well, this is good. Being your brother was sort of cramping my style. That, and she claims she doesn’t date townies .”
    Sophie giggled. “I bet you can change her mind. And who am I to stand in the way? You’re both adults. All I ask is that you don’t dominate her time. She’s my guest first.”
    With a smile, he chucked his sister under the chin. “Thanks, Sophie. Never thought I would need your permission to get a date.”
    â€œAnd I never thought you’d stay home for Christmas again! Life is full of surprises.”
    Mason headed to the guesthouse, grinning. For most circumstances, he was a very patient man, but when it came to Greta, that attribute didn’t come into play. Not only was time not on his side, neither was the woman herself. He had to act now.
    When Greta opened the door, she smiled with a sigh, shaking her head. “You talked to Sophie, didn’t you?”
    â€œActually, she talked to me.”
    â€œYou know, just because she’s encouraging us, doesn’t automatically mean I’ll change my mind.” She stepped aside to let him in. Again her nostalgic, ancient radio was on.
    â€œYou were only using your friendship with Sophie as an excuse.” He closed the door.
    â€œI’m here to enjoy the festivities and relax. I don’t want to start anything complicated.”
    â€œI don’t even want to touch complicated. I promise to keep it simple. We’ll have fun. Whatever you want to do, name it. We can volunteer our asses off.” Her soft laughter made his stomach dip in pleasure. “Come on, you’re tempted. I know you like me.” When her eyes shot to his, he raised his brows.

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