the arrangement of the tables, even though he himself had approved the seating plan.
By the time he had gone, Sally was a nervous wreck. Annis poured her a coffee and made her sit down for a few moments.
After that, everything else seemed to go swimmingly until Sally contacted the bakers and discovered a problem with the cake.
She came off the phone ashen-faced.
‘It's happened again!'
`What has? Whatever's the matter, Sally?'
Sally was looking in her book. 'The cake should be three tiers — two fruit and one sponge. That's what I ordered. But the bakers have made two tiers one fruit and one chocolate!'
`Let's look.' Annis checked the records on the computer and frowned. `Yes, the notes on here are the same as in your book. And I double-checked the entry at the beginning of the week, so it's got to be the baker's mistake.'
Sally looked as if she were ready to weep. 'No, they say we changed the order from the original a few weeks ago but I don't have any recollection of doing so at all.'
Annis was as puzzled as Sally, but she tried to think sensibly.
`Look, it's no good wasting time speculating as to how it happened. We've got to try to put it right. Is it the same baker that we used to use Sam Wallis?'
`Yes, but it'll be too late to do anything at this stage.' Sally blew her nose. `Sam's always so reliable, and I only phoned him to check on delivery times because Mr Smythe wants the cake here an hour earlier than previously arranged. Otherwise I wouldn't have discovered the mistake until the cake actually arrived! Whatever are we going to do?'
`Don't despair just you get on with whatever else needs doing. I'm going to see if I can sort this out with Sam right now. No-one will miss me.'
Annis rummaged in her bag and produced a bus timetable.
`I knew this would come in handy if I hurry, I'll be able to catch the bus. Expect me when you see me, Sal!' She snatched up her jacket, ran down the drive, and was just in time for the hourly bus.
At any other time, Annis would have enjoyed the bus trip along leafy sun-dappled lanes, but she was far too preoccupied. If Sally's suspicion that someone was deliberately setting out to cause problems for her was confirmed, then Annis would need to confront Ross and Tristan.
* * *
The baker's shop was in the middle of a village that was four miles from Heronsbridge. Baker Sam Wallis was both delighted and astonished to see Annis again after so many years.
She came straight to the point, explaining their predicament.
Sam rubbed his chin thoughtfully. 'I know folk change their mind, but it does make it difficult if it's at the last minute like this, especially as the order's already been changed once. It shouldn't be too hard to sort this one out, mind you, but I wouldn't do it for everyone.'
He leaned on the counter and thumbed through his order book.
`It just so happens that I'm ahead of myself with the orders and there's another round fruit cake the right size, all marzipanned ready for another wedding. I can easily decorate that. And I've got a sponge cake iced ready for a wedding anniversary. I can easily adapt that and no-one will be any the wiser. Yes, if I set to directly I can have the whole thing ready for delivery tomorrow morning, as arranged. I might need to add on a bit to the cost, mark you, but only if I can't sell the chocolate one. Now, have a cup of tea and I'll run you back to Heronsbridge in the delivery van. I've got another cake to deliver over there for a twenty-first birthday.'
`Who rang you up to change the order the first time, Sam?' Annis asked.
Sam screwed up his round face in concentration. `Blowed if I can remember. Hang on, I'll have a word with the missus.'
Beryl Wallis helped out in the shop from time to time and dealt with any business calls. She distinctly remembered a woman ringing up to change the original order a few weeks back. Unfortunately, she didn't know who the woman had been, but what she did know — was absolutely