Blue Moon
close loving family, so it is very hard for the Brothers’ to think of us alone in the Dark Coven.
    “So where is Parrise and Angus? Parrise has been away for days, but Angus has been with us every night over the last two months, but not tonight.” Sallack asks looking between Dallah and me, his face full of suspicion.
    Dallah takes this one as she can feel that I really do not want to answer them on this matter. I don t know whether to be truthful or lie to keep them safe.
    “Parrise has come to the Dark coven as a guest of Richard. Richard has wanted Parrise and Angus as allies for many years, so he thinks nothing strange of Parrise being there. I believe Angus will be with us tomorrow night.” She tells them cautiously, as we wait for their views on the matter.
    “What the fuck!!!” Den shouts to no one in particular.
    “Den, I know you want to be with us, to see we are well, but I’m powerful, as are Parrise and Angus, trust us to keep Zara safe?”
    Dallah tells him with a confident plea.
    “Dallah, I worry for you too babe, you and Zara are my girls, I want to look after you both.” He tells her, wanting her to recognize the love he has for her also.
    “I know Den. We will be back soon.” She tells them all, before she turns in Julian’s arms and kisses him tenderly to calm him. I feel so helpless for Julian; I know what it is like to love someone, but not to be able to have them.
    “Zara, look at me?” Ruk whispers to me.
    I face him, as his eyes search mine.
    “I feel like I’m missing something that is right in front of me. Are you safe, and please don’t lie to me.” He asks, making my heart break. Somewhere deep inside his heart, he knows the truth about me, Dallah, even my connection to Angus, but Parrise made him forget about the truth until it was the right time, if there will ever be a right time.
    “I’m alright now, I promise.”
    “Now? What’s happened to you up there?” He growls, looking insanely sexy.
    Before I can make up a lame lie to get myself out of it, I have the most bizarre feeling of someone’s breath on my face, and then ... shit! Someone is touching my hair!
    “Dallah I think we should go,” I tell her calmly, but push my fear on to her that someone is in the bedroom as we lay defenseless in bed asleep, and luckily, it works. She whispers something to Julian, before rushing to me and taking my hands.
    We say our goodbyes and promise to come back to their dreams and to keep safe. They ask questions on why we are leaving so soon, which Dallah answers like a pro. 
    I imagine each one of them in their own bedrooms, and just like that, they all disappear. Quicker than lightning, I take Dallah back to her dark dream and wake myself up, then Dallah. We both scan the bedroom as best we can for any movement.
    “Someone has been here, but I don’t know who!” Dallah says and we both suspect it was Richard.
    “Shit, do you think I freaked the Brothers’ out, with leaving so abruptly?”
    “No, they’ll be fine and whoever was here is long gone, so let’s get some sleep. I’m too happy to let some peeping tom ruin my dreams tonight, if, and when I find out who was in here, I will blow their head into tiny pieces,” She growls out her last words.
    “Yeah you will,” I tell her with a snort, not because I don’t believe her, no, the total opposite. Dallah maybe stunningly beautiful, kind, good natured, and emotional at times, but mess with her or those she holds close, and she will bring he ll to their door. Luckily, the Brothers’, Angus, Parrise, and I am her friends, her family, but I would be scared of her if she ever had it in for me.
    I close my eyes listening to Dallah as she tells me how fantastic it was to see Julian again, and how desperately she wants to be with him, which breaks my heart to hear. Nevertheless, they will be together soon, I know in my heart they will, and when I tell her this, I can actually hear her smile.
    The next morning, I

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