Blue Moon
wake in a mass of quilts and pillows, like I’ve had a restless night’s sleep. Sitting up in Dallah’s bed, I start to panic when I don’t see her. I jump out of bed and run to the bedroom door and fling it open with speed and force.
    “Where is she?” I ask Kiss- ass, who stands guard against the wall.
    He sighs and looks back down to the floor, not wanting to acknowledge me.
    “Prick!” I call him, before slamming the door and rushing to get ready.
    I dress quickly in one of Dallah’s outfits and leave the bedroom in search of her.
    As I get to the top of the stairs, I sigh when I see Richard standing to the side with a mischievous look in his eyes.
    “Lovely to see you, little whore.”
    “Get over yourself Dick!”
    “Dick?” He asks with a raised brow.
    “Yeah where I come from we shorten names, and Dick is short for Richard in England, so Dick it is?” I tell him, while plastering a fake smile on my face.
    He laughs just before slamming my body against the door opposite the staircase. Gripping my shoulders and squeezing hard till he has the satisfaction of seeing me wince in pain.
    “What makes you think you can speak to me in this way?” He shouts in my face.
    “What makes you think you can treat me the way you do!” I shout back at him, and getting his hand across my face in return. I look him hard in the eye, full of contempt for him, while biting my tongue. That bastard might be standing tall and proud, but not tall enough for me to miss the fear in his eyes, even if it was only a flash, it was still there.
    “I am the Prince; you will speak to me with respect!” He commands.
    “I have no respect for you, I never will! You will regret the day you met me Richard, I swear to it! The...”
    Before I finish my curse, two Werewolves dash out of their room, smirking and hoping to see some drama. Richard takes his hands off me and sneers at the man and woman as he stalks away. 
    There is no way of charming that man he is a lost cause. He always has been, always will be in my eyes.
    “Zara, hey Zara!” Dallah shouts.
    I look around the grand ground floor as I see her heading my way with a beaming smile.
    “Where have you been?” I ask her with a smile, relieved to see her safe and happy.
    “I left a note on the mirror, did you not see it? Ok, well I had to pick something up from a friend!” She tells me eagerly; as she passes me the necklace that she made for me when we first connected. I take it from her hands and hold it close to me, smiling as I look at her.
    “Where did you get it?”
    “Dorothy found it and asked me to retrieve it.”
    “O h my god, I thought I had lost it,” I tell her as I slip it over my head, and place the stunning pink stone in between my breasts, so grateful to have it back.
    “What happened to your shoulder, and your face?” She asks with her face turning red with anger.
    “Nothing I can’t handle. Thank you for picking this up for me, I don’t know what I would have done if I had lost it. Come on I’m starving.” I tell her as I pull her arm to walk beside me. She doesn’t budge.
    “This was Richard wasn’t it?” She asks in an irate tone.
    “Dallah, I can handle Richard, he doesn’t scare me. I will stay away from him, but don’t make a big deal out of it, please for me. I want to feel happy that I’m with you, not scared you will go off to find him,” I ask her in desperation.
    She takes me in her arms hugging me tightly,
    “I don’t want this for you Zara, you shouldn’t be here.”
    “I don’t want this for you either, but that’s what we got. I’m not going anywhere without you, and Richard can try to break me, but he never will, as long as I know I have you and the guys.”
    “You are so stubborn, you know that right?”
    “Yeah, I do. Seriously though, let’s go get breakfast, I’m starving.”
    We spend the day together, as she shows me around the palace and the gardens outside. The palace is magnificent and the gardens

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