My Encounter With A Sweet Alien (Alien SciFi Romance)
day, a massive explosion shakes the very ground she stands upon. She finds herself led over the hill that borders her tiny village where she discovers the smoldering aftermath of a crashed star ship. Armed with her extensive medical training, Alexis musters every ounce of courage and enters the wreckage to find a startlingly beautiful, and decidedly not human, man injured on the floor. Forced to put her life on the line to save him, Alexis finds herself dreaming of putting her body into his hands.
    Soon she discovers that he holds within him a mysterious gift that makes him both incredibly enticing and frighteningly powerful. Will she be able to completely let go and give herself to this irresistibly sexy alien and allow him to give her solace from her longings for home?
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About The Author
    Meg Ripley is an author of erotic science fiction and paranormal romance stories. As a child, she had recurring dreams about being abducted by aliens and has been obsessed with extraterrestrial life ever since. A Seattle native, Meg can often be found curled up in a local coffee house with her laptop.
    To keep up to date with her latest releases, you may sign up for Red Lily Publishing’s newsletter by clicking HERE .

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