The Rancher Takes a Cook
around the counter, wiping his hands on an
already-smudged work apron. He enveloped Anna in a quick bear hug
then held her out at arm’s length as if to make sure she was whole.
“How are you, girl? We’d best go find your Aunt Laura, or she’ll
never forgive me for stealing even a second of her time with
    Anna returned his grin. “I’m here for both
business and pleasure, actually. I have a list of supplies we need
to pick up today. Jacob will be returning in a couple of hours, so
that should give you plenty of time to fill the order.”
    “By all means, put me to work.” He reached
for her list.
    “I’ll tell you what,” she said in a
conspiratorial whisper, “let me visit with Aunt Laura for a while
then I’ll come back down and help you put things together. And I
was hoping to look through your dress goods for new material?”
    “It’s a deal. I wouldn’t pass up help from a
pretty young lady for anything.” With a wink and a bow, he allowed
her to pass behind the desk and through the door to the stairs
leading up to the living quarters.
    Aunt Laura squealed when she saw Anna and
wrapped her in a tight embrace. They settled in at the sink,
peeling potatoes while Anna filled her aunt in about the details of
ranch life—especially cooking for such a large herd of cowpunchers.
Even when they slipped into companionable quiet, pleasure wrapped
around Anna’s shoulders like a warm cloak. Father, I can’t thank
you enough for putting this wonderful woman in my life. To be my
aunt, but especially my friend. When they made their way
downstairs, Aunt Laura guided Anna straight toward the fabrics. “We
have a gorgeous new hunter green muslin that would be the perfect
thing to bring out the green flecks in your eyes.”
    Anna fingered the soft material, dress ideas
swirling in her mind’s eye. “I love it. And I could use these
buttons for the bodice and this ribbon for the edging and…” Her
words halted as a tall figure entered the store. Jacob. Even from a
distance his presence made her breathing grow shallow.
    His eyes searched the store until they found
hers. “Anna.” The sound of her name in his warm voice caught her
off guard for a moment. Did he realize he’d used her Christian
name? Urgency tinged his voice as he marched toward her. “There’s a
bad storm brewing from the direction of the ranch. We need to get
going now if we have any hope to miss it.”
    Anna flew into motion at his words and was
vaguely aware of her aunt and uncle doing the same. They loaded
numerous crates and bags into the wagon, then Anna hugged her aunt
as Jacob settled his bill with Uncle Walter. Jacob escorted Anna
out of the shop with her elbow resting firmly in his strong hand. A
warmth of security washed over her.
    Jacob kept the team at a steady trot after
they left town, which made the wagon jump and jostle until Anna
thought she would be jolted right off the seat. She kept a
white-knuckled grip on the wooden bench, determined to stay in
place, but Jacob never slowed his pace. His blue eyes kept roaming
to the dark, menacing clouds rolling into position overhead. The
wind grew stronger as the road passed through open pasture land,
and the temperature dropped by the minute.
    About half an hour after they left Seguin,
the rain started falling in huge drops. Still holding on to the
seat, Anna squinted against the moisture blowing in her face.
    “I think there’s a small blanket under the
seat.” Jacob called over the noises of the wind and raindrops on
the wagon.
    Anna reached down between her legs and ran
her hand along the wood until her fingers touched soft cotton.
Without warning, one of the front wheels hit a deep rut, thrusting
Anna head first over the footboard. A strong arm tightened around
her waist, dragging her back up on the seat. She blinked and looked
around to get her bearings, finding herself tucked next to Jacob’s
    “Are you okay?” He turned his face toward
her ear so his words

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