Duty: a novel of Rhynan
then the breadth, four. Returning to the center, he faced
Landry. “How would you recommend we proceed?”
    “I say we wait for the King’s response.” Landry
crossed his arms as though to indicate the strength of his
    “We can’t,” I said.
    Irvaine leaned back against the heavy table. Arms
folded across his chest and shoulders hunched, he studied the floor
as though it would reveal the solution to the quandary before
    Landry’s gaze flicked between us. “Why?
    “One of the captives is my best friend.” I met
Landry’s piercing gaze with more strength than I felt. “Lord Wisten
has taken a special interest in her before. I fear for her life
and…” A sudden lump pressed against the back of my throat. I choked
on the words.
    Irvaine straightened. “The king commissioned me to
marry, settle in Wisenvale, and see that the eastern border was
defended. Those women and children in the invader’s grasp are the
wives and families of my men. I intend to move against this invader
the instant it is feasible.” He crossed to confront Landry. “Can I
count on your men?”
    “All four hundred of my men are yours. Only
seventy-five of them attend me now, but I can summon the rest in a
matter of days.”
    “How many days?”
    “Three at the most.”
    Irvaine frowned. “Did you notice how many Rathenridge
brought with him?”
    Landry grunted. “I counted eighty plus his wife and
two companions. I would expect him to send her home upon his
departure. She prefers her own hearth. Also, they left three young
children behind.”
    Irvaine laughed. “Rathenridge has children?”
    “Indeed, three daughters.”
    “That must be a sight to see.” Irvaine shook away the
thought. “How many does he command?”
    “About five hundred last I knew.”
    “With my three hundred, we will have twelve hundred.
What about Avenhege? He should be on the road here as we speak,
answering the call to pay honor to my arrival, right?”
    “Only if he answered Jorndar’s summons. Avenhege’s
holdings can only be reached in three days if one rides hard.”
    Irvaine’s head snapped up. “Jorndar summoned
    “Four days ago a messenger reached my gates demanding
I appear at Kyrenton Vargar to do my duty to my liege lord. I
learned after I arrived that Jorndar sent messengers to each of us.
He was attempting to claim right of inheritance based on Rolendis’
widow’s rights.”
    “She has no rights. Mendal removed the title from the
line and heirs of Kolbent Briaren in light of his loyalties.”
    “Jorndar didn’t count on Rathenridge knowing you
personally or your arrival so soon after your marriage. I believe
he hoped you would linger in your new wife’s arms longer before
venturing to claim more.”
    Irvaine looked over at me. His expression lightened
slightly. “As diverting as my wife is, she expects to be fed. Lord
Wisten handed over a starving village as a show of loyalty.”
    “A shabby gesture.”
    Irvaine pushed away from the table to pace. “It
indicated the true value of his allegiance. He led the invaders
across the border.”
    Landry swore. “Sorry, my lady, please pardon my rough
tongue.” He bowed to Irvaine. “When do we march?”
    “Summon your men and ask them to meet us west of
Wisenvale. We will not wait for them.”
    “I shall do so immediately.” He strode for the door,
pausing just before it to bow to Irvaine. “My lord.” Then to my
utter astonishment, he bowed low to me. “My lady, I hope we free
your people soon.”
    “Thank you, Sir Landry.”
    He left. Silence settled over the pair of us. My
thoughts and prayers strayed to Loren.
    “Are you feeling okay?” I jumped at the sound of his
voice, so loud in the small room.
    Irvaine stood before me, a tower of familiarity in my
drastically changing world. How had he become so important to me so
    “I was just trying to figure out how you were going
to manage three hundred men when you only have half that

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