We Can Laugh Together Too (Walnut Grove Trilogy)

Free We Can Laugh Together Too (Walnut Grove Trilogy) by Cindy Baker

Book: We Can Laugh Together Too (Walnut Grove Trilogy) by Cindy Baker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cindy Baker
sipped his drink. “Was it a limited partnership the same
as Team Spirit where the horse runs under that name exclusively, or was it a
general partnership where all the percentage holders held a license and were
listed individually as owners?”
    Her confidence returned. “Oh, a general partnership then,
definitely. Pink Parachute was always listed as being owned by William and Olivia
Leonard and Edward G. Leonard. Look --” she sorted through her folder. “Here’s
a race card. See --  race eight.”
    A big smile overtook Ben’s face. “Then you’re in the clear Livi.
It’s the responsibility of all general partners to take out their own insurance
policies, relative to the percentage they own in the horse. Each partner
assumes equal responsibilities of ownership. On the other hand, had it been a
limited partnership, none of the partners are qualified to hold a license as an
owner, and certainly wouldn’t have been listed in the program. You should never
have given Edward any part of the insurance settlement you received; you need
to claim it back from him.”
    Livi stared at him. “But my attorney told me . . .” her
voice trailed away.
    “He’s obviously not conversant with California thoroughbred partnership
law; it’s a very specialized field. If you want a second opinion, I’ll put you
in touch with our insurance guru in Louisville, but I guarantee I’m right. Your
attorney can’t be blamed; he clearly isn’t familiar with horse racing
partnerships. I’ll give you the number of our expert, and I promise you, once
he’s called her, he’ll be in a position to tell your late husband’s cousin
exactly what to do with his ill-advised claim.”
    “Thank you,” Livi responded emphatically. “Thank you so
much. Sam Nichols was certain you’d be able to help, and he was right. This is
such a weight off my mind; I was beginning to think I could lose everything.”
    Their host smiled benevolently. “I’m pleased I could help. I
don’t want to appear rude, but now I really must be going, I have to meet
someone at LAX in an hour. Both of you give me your phone numbers and I’ll stay
in touch, and Livi, here’s the number for our insurance agent.”
    They left the restaurant together. A valet hurried away to
fetch Ben’s car, and with flawless timing, their Lexus purred to a halt in
front of them. The driver jumped out and opened the door.
    Livi paused and spontaneously gave Ben a quick hug. “Thank
you,” she said again. “You’re a life saver.”
    He kissed her on the cheek and shook Matt’s hand. “It’s been
a real pleasure. We’ll talk again soon, I promise.”
♠   ♠
    Despite her initial positive response to Ben’s tutelage, the
journey home passed in mounting uncertainty for Livi. As they were heading back
up PCH, she again found apprehension pervasively stealing over her like a black
shadow. Two attorneys, Edward’s and her own had believed he had legitimate grounds
to sue her, yet this man had been adamant both were wrong. Were they? Could it
really be that easy?
    Unaware of her increasing misgivings, Matt took her hand and
squeezed it. “We need to celebrate. I’ll get some champagne for us tonight;
it’s time for a toast.”
    Hearing this, the driver glanced over his shoulder with a
smile. “Actually, I have some Veuve Clicquot on ice in the trunk for you
Mrs.Leonard. Mr. Nichols instructed me to give it to you irrespective of
whether you need to celebrate or drown your sorrows, and I take it a
celebration will be in order.”
    Matt laughed. “Did you hear that? You’re really going to be
celebrating in style. This definitely is a triumph for you; it looks as if you’ll
be getting Edward out of your hair once and for all.”
    But Livi wasn’t entirely persuaded. “It does seem that way,”
she conceded, “but first I think I need to call that insurance agent and maybe
the California Horse Racing Board too. All I’ve got at the moment is the
opinion of one

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