Naomi and Tyler (Plenty of Shift Book 2)

Free Naomi and Tyler (Plenty of Shift Book 2) by Carina Wilder

Book: Naomi and Tyler (Plenty of Shift Book 2) by Carina Wilder Read Free Book Online
Authors: Carina Wilder
if he felt the same way. If he did, why the secrets? Why the avoidance?
    It was on a Thursday evening after they’d made love for about the thousandth time that he turned to her, his face leaning on his hand, elbow firmly planted in her mattress. To date, they’d spent most of their time alone, and she hadn’t met his friends, nor he hers, other than Miri.
    “Listen,” he said, his chest glistening from the exertion of what they’d just done. “The boss is having a little cocktail party tomorrow evening. I’ll only be there in an unofficial capacity, more or less—but I don’t have much of a choice in the matter, since there have been new rumblings about the Wolf Pack. Would you be my date?”
    “The Sovereign is having a cocktail party? Or is there some secret code that I’m misunderstanding, where in fact this is an orgy involving cocks and tails?”
    “The former. He’s quite civilized, when he wants to be—which is to say rarely.”
    Naomi pictured the man she’d seen the night of the gala, flanked as he’d been by young, beautiful women, all of whom apparently wanted to sleep with him. She was curious about him, though he didn’t appeal to her as a sexual object; more as potential inspiration for a character in a novel.
    “I’ll join you. I like dressing up sometimes—wait, no I don’t. But I’ll do it for you.”
    “I’ve noticed over time that you like getting un dressed. I much prefer that anyhow.”
    In spite of herself, she found all of her blood seeming to rush to her clit, as though to remind her what ecstasy it had felt only a few minutes earlier—and what it could feel again if she had her way with him.
    “I prefer having someone undress me,” she said. “Someone with a firm hand and a hard…resolve.”
    “I’d undress you now, if you weren’t already naked. As for tomorrow, I’ll pick you up at seven. And you’d better meet me outside or I might not let you leave your apartment,” he said, pulling himself on top of her, his length pressing into her belly. His sexy smile was just about enough to drive her over the edge all on its own, but in combination with his incredible cock, she was enslaved.
    “Outside it is,” she whispered. “I’ll try to wear something nice.”
    “Cellophane would be nice on you. Or a towel. Or a see-through curtain.”
    “Dirty, dirty lion. Now kiss me, lion.”

    W hen seven rolled around the next evening, Naomi was standing outside the front door of the building, wondering if she should have asked if Tyler was driving a car or his motorcycle. Normally he showed up on his bike, but she wasn’t sure that he’d subject her to being a passenger, particularly when she was meant to look presentable.
    Her question was answered a few minutes later, when he pulled up in a red sports car.
    “Thank God,” she said as he got out to slip around and open her door.
    “That happy to see me, are you?” he replied, grinning.
    “That happy to see something with four wheels.”
    “I thought we could take it slow.”
    “Yes, that seems to be our style.”
    He kissed her cheek, a gentleman in stark contrast to the animal that he could sometimes be, and opened the door for her. “You look beautiful,” he said.
    “Thanks. So do you.”
    Tyler was wearing a dark blue suit with a slight sheen to it, cut perfectly to show off his gorgeous frame. Underneath was a grey shirt and a dark tie that Naomi had the sudden urge to bite. What was it with the lion and her urges to sink her teeth into various parts of him and his clothing?
    “So tell me about the Sovereign,” she said as they drove. “What’s his story?”
    “Lucas? He’s actually a good man. Honest to a fault, if a little promiscuous.”
    “So these women that he’s with—they know about each other?”
    “No woman lasts more than a night with him. So they don’t need to. But yeah, if one asks, he tells. He has no secrets.”
    “So the Pride likes him?”
    “Oh, yeah. He’s popular.

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