how are you today? Heavy night? Or have you started investing in men’s suits to vit in with the big vigs at work?’ she teased (due to Anya’s strong accent I knew that her ‘w’s’ sounded like ‘v’s’ however the shop assistant in Harrods did not know this when Anya asked for the Wacoal underwear section (it came out Vac-oal) and the assistant thought she was swearing at her and asked her to leave. )
Obviously Anya would never leave Harrods without spending at least two month’s rent payments, so with the help of an understanding manager, he escorted her to the expensive underwear, whilst she gave the previous shop assistant a parting gift…her middle finger!
Get between Anya and her spending and you may as well write your will there and then!
I tried to glide to my room to avoid the questioning but the other s smelt gossip and dropped the hunt for the hair straighteners and started to corner me . ‘ S o who is the new fella, Neets?’ Amelia enquired. Before I could answer Gabrielle added, ‘she hasn’t got a new fella! She hasn’t even been out this week, apart from with work!’
They all paused.
‘He’s from work isn’t he?’ Amelia squealed whilst clapping her hands like she just cracked the last newspaper addition of Suduko without any helping or cheating and pretending she didn’t have two of the same numbers in the second box.
They all looked at me like cats waiting to pounce on the silly robin who decided to go for the crumb of bread under the window, ‘I don’t know what you’re all talking about. He was just Simon. You know? The usual booty call? We met up straight from work and came back here , ’ I lied.
They all looked at each other as though reading each others minds.
It worked!
‘Oh ok. We thought you had hooked up with someone at work and had juicy gossip to tell us but never mind , ’ Amelia groaned.
As I walked towards my bedroom door, Amelia shouted back, ‘well at least it wasn’t your boss , ’ and started laughing.
‘What does she mean? She obviously doesn’t know that he’s practically separated, ’ I thought as I continued to tried to ignore the remark and remember how wonderful last night’s events were.
‘Take a deep breath, get changed then go into the kitchen and enquire about the comment but not straight away as you don’t want to give anything away! Stay cool , ’ I thought as I jumped into my dressing gown and headed for the kitchen for a much needed glass of wine.
As I entered the coven (sorry I meant kitchen!) all the ladies were giggling about Amelia’s latest bedroom faux pas (her latest bedroom indiscretion was unfortunately when her boyf riend, Geron, surprised her whilst she was asleep. S he felt her stomach ru mble half way through and s he thought maybe she was just hungry until Geron entered the climax stage, pulled out and Amelia’s intimate area seemed to applaud…by passing wind!!! After she disclosed the very embarrassing story , I wondered why she told us as we preceded to call her ‘Wind in the Hollow’ every since that moment!) .
‘So W ind in the H ollow, what’s wrong with getting a little work action?’ I jokingly enquired as I poured the remains of the bottle of white into the only clean thing available, my Mr Men’s cup!
They all stopped laughing and regarded me with suspicion. Amelia continued, ‘well have you never heard the saying , “never shit on your own doorstep?” T hat applies to wor k colleagues, new sexy hot Brazilian neighbours (to which Gabrielle nodded in a dreamy agreement) and your gynaecologist , ’ the last remark made everyone to do a double take then we all burst into laughter.
I managed to gain the knowledge that Amelia did know Angus, however, she thought his marriage was happy but she did reveal he was a player but was unable to give me concrete evidence , so I decided to give him the benefit of the doubt.
Steven D. Levitt, Stephen J. Dubner
Charlotte MacLeod, Alisa Craig