Half Lost

Free Half Lost by Sally Green

Book: Half Lost by Sally Green Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sally Green
you’ll still be vulnerable. His own death must show you that. More important than mastering his Gifts, you need protection. You need something that will make you invulnerable, something that will keep you safe. You need the Vardian amulet.”
    â€œOK. I admit I’ve no idea what that is.”
    â€œIt’s an ancient and very powerful item. Believed to date back to the earliest days of witchcraft. All amulets protect those who hold them, but this one was something unique. It was created by a Black Witch called Vardia. Times were different then and Blacks and Whites lived together.” Van smiles, almost as if she can’t believe it herself. “Vardia fell in love with a powerful man, Linus, a prince, some say, but he was also a White Witch. He had little magical power, though, and he wanted Vardia’s protection. He told her he loved her and she created the amulet to protect him. He won many battles with the amulet pressed against his skin over his heart. He fought those stronger than himself but he was never hurt. He became more and more powerful. Linus was grateful to Vardia but he didn’t truly love her and knew he never could. Eventually he grew tired of his deception and told Vardia the truth: that he didn’t love her. He sent her away. But, despite his betrayal, Vardia still loved him and so, before she left, in desperation she ripped the amulet in two and gave Linus half, keeping half herself, saying that when he wanted her protection she would return, that he’d be safe when they and the amulet were reunited. But Linus never asked her to return andhe was killed in the next battle he fought.”
    Of course I have once seen half an amulet. It wasn’t a metal or jeweled ornament as I would have expected but a piece of worn, old parchment with strange writing on it laid out in a series of circles—well, semicircles because the parchment was ripped in half.
    â€œThe half of the amulet that Gabriel gave you?” I say. “That’s one of the pieces?”
    â€œBut not much use without the other half.”
    â€œNo. However, many years ago I learned who had the other half and since then I’ve been searching for that person. A witch called Ledger.”
    â€œAnd now you’ve found him? Her?”
    â€œAnd have you got the other half of the amulet?”
    â€œIt’s not quite as simple as that. But I do believe the way to beat Soul is by using the amulet. If you have it you’ll be protected as Linus was. You’ll be indestructible.”
    â€œIf the amulet is ripped in half, how do you know it’ll work? How do you even know these pieces are part of the Vardian amulet? It might all be a stupid old story anyway.”
    Van’s blue eyes seem to explode with sapphire sparks as she says, “There are no guarantees, but I think Ledger will know how to make it work. She’s a powerful witch. Possibly the most powerful ever.”
    â€œMore powerful than my father?”
    Van takes my arm again and says, “Ledger is verydifferent from your father. She’s unusual for a Black Witch and most people haven’t even heard of her. She’s extremely private, though I was honored to meet her a few days ago. She has many Gifts and a vast knowledge of magic. She may be able to help you access your father’s Gifts as well as find how to make the amulet work.”
    â€œBut why would she help me? And I can’t imagine she’s going to hand her half of the amulet over for nothing, if at all.”
    â€œShe might be persuaded. I told her about you and she was extremely interested in meeting you.”
    I look at Van. She’s as cool and sophisticated as always. The scars from her battle with Mercury are all but faded. She’s not in one of the pastel-colored suits she used to wear but dark casual trousers, jumper, and winter jacket. And she’s as hard to read as ever. I

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