Cold Heat (Seasons of the Heart #1)

Free Cold Heat (Seasons of the Heart #1) by LeeAnne White

Book: Cold Heat (Seasons of the Heart #1) by LeeAnne White Read Free Book Online
Authors: LeeAnne White
Tags: Romance
to her and pulled her back close, curling her up against his chest as he started running his fingers through her hair. He sat there in contented silence with Kaylie, his mind at ease.
    The wind had begun picking up and a sudden loud crack of thunder combined with the illumination of lightening flashing had both Kaylie and Jenny jumping. While Kaylie found herself buried in Drakes chest, she heard Jenny scurrying to find shelter in the storm. Embarrassed, she pulled away from his chest, and looking around, she saw Jenny’s tail hurrying through Drakes bedroom door.
    “She’s a big coward. Anytime a storm rolls in with all of tonight’s special effects, she high-tails it under my bed and won’t come out until the storm passes on. I’ve a feeling we won’t be seeing her again tonight.”
    Another clap of thunder, this time louder than the other, and another bolt of lightning singed the air around them. Kaylie clung harder to Drake after they passed, almost like she was trying to crawl into him. Drake would be a fool if he minded the fact that he had a woman in his arms during a rare thunder snowstorm, and he was no fool.
    He reached around her and snagged a remote off the table next to where she was and turned up the radio. “Let’s see if we can find some music to take our minds off of the weather.” A country song began to play quietly in the background while they continued to sit and listen to and watch the storm raging outside his windows. She shivered in the fire light next to him and he pulled a blanket around them, settling them more comfortably on the couch, reluctant to let her go for now.
    As they sat in the cozy warmth of one another, with music playing quietly in the cabin, he felt her body relaxing by degrees until she was completely lax and asleep in his arms. Drake carefully arranged Kaylie into his arms and carried her down the hall to the bedrooms. He wasn't sure which room to take her to and stood there debating for a minute before carrying her in and laying her gently on his bed, and then climbed in behind her, covering them both, wrapping her in his arms and drifting to sleep himself.

Chapter 12
    Something roused Drake out of the best sleep he’d had in a very long time, and it certainly wasn't the warm body currently pressing her back against his front. He hadn’t been out of the field so long that his senses had gone soft on him. Slipping out of bed, doing his best not to wake Kaylie, he heard the sound again, coming from Kaylie’s room. Curious, he walked in and saw her phone where it had been dropped on the floor. When he picked it up to put it on the dresser, it chirped again, illuminating the text message that had been sent to it.
    Are you ready to play?
    Drake studied the image noticing that it was sent by a blocked number. Keeping the phone in his hand, he turned and let Jenny out before going back in to wake Kaylie up.
    Kaylie’s eyes fluttered open as she became aware of Drake calling her name to wake her. Noticing that it was still dark she asked, “What time is it?”, her voice still heavy with sleep.
    “Early, but there’s something I need to know, Kaylie.”
    Stretching while looking at him, if the tone of his voice hadn’t warned her something was wrong, then the set of his jaw would. Sitting up cautiously, keeping the sheet around her like a shield for whatever was coming, when she noticed her phone in his hand. “Drake, what are you doing with that?”
    “Something woke me up, I’m a light sleeper, and I heard a noise that was out of place in the house, and when I went to find it, I heard it coming from your room. From your phone. On your floor. I picked it up to put it on the dresser. I hit a button when I grabbed it and saw a text message.” He watched, as her eyes grew large, working hard to keep her hands from shaking. “The number was blocked, Kaylie. I need you to tell

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