Dungeons of the Divine (Blue Phoenix Book 2)

Free Dungeons of the Divine (Blue Phoenix Book 2) by Tinalynge

Book: Dungeons of the Divine (Blue Phoenix Book 2) by Tinalynge Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tinalynge
behind the city before Deng Wu once more emerged from within the house, a satisfied expression on his face. With a nod to Wang Ju Long, Deng Wu once more covered himself with the black cloak before he started to move back to the courtyard, curious as to whether or not Hui Yue had woken up yet, as he had gotten quite a large amount of information.
    Hui Yue had been frantic. During the banquet he had a flash of enlightenment, yet for each moment he stayed with the hosts, the more he struggled to hang on to the information which was so clear in the beginning, and in the end he had to leave the meal early under the excuse of having to return home to rest.
    Going back, Hui Yue could think of nothing but the words swirling within his mind. The words ‘Natural Laws,’ ‘Gods,’ and ‘Way of Cultivating.’ Hui Yue was grateful that he did not have to worry about his surroundings, as he knew that he was protected. The most important thing was for him to focus on his enlightenment while his friends would deal with anything else.
    Seeing the courtyard come into his line of sight, a sigh of relief escaped Hui Yue as he instantly sat down, closed his eyes and allowed for his mental projection to enter the dantian cave, where it entered the deepest kind of meditation that Hui Yue currently possessed.
    Being submerged within himself, Hui Yue once more thought about the three words which had appeared from a golden beam of enlightenment.
    This world was based on natural laws. Each law was a certain property which could not be changed.
    The sun would rise in the sky during day only to be replaced by the moon at night. The wind would blow, and time would keep flowing no matter what happened to the continent and kingdoms.
    But the natural laws were not limited to the sun and the moon or the seasons and the weather. Everything was touched by these natural laws and every law was predetermined, created by the Gods. For a person to escape these laws, one had to become a God. One had to become a creator.
    The law of time made this hard, the law of death was always looming, but the law of cultivation was open for any human who wished to pursue their luck.
    Seated still, Hui Yue frowned as he understood some things, yet others were still far too profound for him to grasp.
    This world was filled with laws, and these laws had been created by the Gods when they created the world. They were as old as the world and they would live and die with the world. Although Sun had been taken away, her law was still true, and this meant that as long as the world was standing, she too would survive.
    It was obvious that saving her was purely a test given to him by Lan Feng in the hope of helping him improve his cultivation base.

Chapter 10 – Understanding the Basics
    Everything within this world related to a law. There was a law for the sun and a law for the moon. The was a law for life and a law for death. Each element had its own law much like how there were always clouds in the sky and a sky above the land; there were always laws. Even the heavens and the earth had laws of their own.
    The continent which Hui Yue lived on was nothing more than one small continent out of many in a world created by the four Gods. Even something like cultivation had laws tied to it and rules which a cultivator had to follow.
    When creating the world, what the Gods had done was create the laws, and from the laws appeared the world. Anyone who lived within this world would be bound by its laws, unless they managed to break through to the level of a God.
    This allowed for Hui Yue to truly understand that the level of a God was not something attainable through cultivation alone. It was a level only achieved when a ultimate expert gained enlightenment into the world of a God.
    This was the reason why Lan Feng never managed to reach the rank of a God. He had been at the pinnacle of cultivation for years,

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