
Free Reunion by JJ Harper

Book: Reunion by JJ Harper Read Free Book Online
Authors: JJ Harper
me close.  “He drove over to the old quarry one day and shot himself. I wasn’t here back then so I don’t know too much about it, I think he was found by a hiker; he’d been missing for a couple of days. I’m so sorry Nicky, I really am.”
    I look at him and can see the worry and concern in his eyes. “It’s okay Ryan, I had to ask, you understand that, right?”
    “Yes, but it hurts to see you so saddened and confused.” His voice is now barely a whisper as he kisses me softly.
    I can’t stop myself from rolling Ryan back over onto his back. With my hand between our bodies, I grab both of our dicks; as soon as they touch I can feel mine hardening. Ryan’s body reacts just as quickly, and the feeling of our flesh rubbing against each other is turning me on so much.
    “God, Ry baby, you feel so good, so damn good,” I whisper into his ear as we rock our hips against each other. My teeth graze up and down his neck, my tongue licking over his pulse points relishing his distinct flavor; I have never been as desperate to taste any other man before. For all the sex I’ve had and all the tricks I know, nothing is as good as this. The taste of Ryan. The salt of his sweat mixes with the woodsy, slightly spicy taste of his skin. I love how his hands skim over my skin with feather light touches. He really doesn’t want to hurt me, but just being here with him takes away any pain.
    Our shafts are now sticky as our juices coat my hand. Ryan kisses my shoulder and neck then with a shift of his hips I’m suddenly under him. His bright blue eyes smolder as his hips rock harder against my hand.
    “Let me take you Nicky, let me love you the way you should always be loved.” He kisses me slowly, his tongue dancing with mine as we give and take equally. “I’ll be gentle I promise, but I really need to be inside you. Let me take away any bad memories, let us make new ones.”
    As he gazes into my eyes, I nod giving him my consent and the sigh of happiness from him flows over my skin like silk. Our faces are just a couple of centimeters apart now. I let go of him just long enough for him to grab the lube, when the cold liquid flows over my balls and down to my ass, I can’t help but groan.
    “Fuck, Nico you feel so good.” Ryan groans deeply as his fingers probe my puckered hole, asking for entry, I nod and with one push from me against him, two fingers slide inside me. It feels so good as he scissors them, stretching me gently. I raise my knees and open my legs further, holding onto the back of my thighs. His hand pulls away letting the head of his dick nudge me once, then twice before sliding deep inside me. His full length enters so effortlessly that my muscles clamp around his thickness making his moan sound so damn sexy.
    Then the slow rocking starts, there is no rush, no sense of urgency. This isn’t my usual up against a wall, my ‘get-in get-off get-out’ scenario, this is lovemaking. My eyes never break the gaze between us as his hips start to push, taking him deeper inside me than I’ve ever let another man reach. Ryan’s hands reach under my armpit and grip my shoulders allowing even deeper penetration.
    “Fuck Ryan, I’m going to come.” I moan deeply as I arch my back, trying to get even closer. His slow persistent push and pull has the head of his cock running up and back against my prostate, slowly driving me crazy.
    His hands move down covering mine, stopping me from stroking myself. As his fingers link with mine he pulls them up over my head. Fuck he feels good, the rhythm is slow but deep, his cock is thicker than mine and the drag against my sensitive muscle wall send sparks of lightning through my center, I can feel my climax building, the licks of fire force my legs to stiffen as the flame erupts, racing, burning through my bones and veins, consuming everything it touches, my whole body is about to combust.
    “OH MY GOD RYAN! FUUUUCCCKKK!” My body starts to shake as my dick erupts so hard,

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