Second Hand Jane
interest in Jess’s work
stung too. She would have loved to have told her Mum about the
black teeth debacle or her plans for finding Amy but there was no
point. She closed her laptop with resignation, knowing full well
there would be no fobbing Marian Baré off when she was in this
mood. Still, she thought, on the bright side, at least this time
she had some news that would definitely please her. “Actually, Mum,
since you ask. I’m good. Really good, in fact…I’ve met
    There was a
split second’s silence broken by a scream and followed by,
“Hallelujah! Frank, turn the telly off! She’s met someone!”
    Jess could
picture her dad hitting the mute button, a tiny act of rebellion,
on the telly as he flicked his favourite armchair upright. It might
have been a Sunday morning at home but there would still be some
form of sport on the box and it would take a major world disaster
for him to forfeit his fix. It had been the happiest day of his
life when he had gotten the Sky Sports channel.
    “Oh, that is
fabulous, Jessica, just fabulous. But first things first—any
issues? Is he normal?”
    “ Mum! ”
    “I have to ask,
darling. You can’t blame me worrying, not with your track
    She couldn’t
really argue with that one. “He is tall, blonde, and handsome.”
    “So was Ted
    “He had dark
hair and he’s not a serial killer, Mum; he’s a successful property
developer and he drives a convertible.” She added this last bit to
prove her point. It worked.
    “Frank, he
drives a convertible!”
    She heard
something muffled in the background.
    “Your father
wants to know what kind of convertible.”
    It had sounded more like her father had
said something along the lines of bully for him to Jess, which seemed a far more likely response
from the laidback Frank.
    “How should I
know? But you can tell Dad that it was shiny and grey, oh and it
went quite fast.”
    “It was shiny
and grey, Frank, and it went fast.” She paused for a moment. “I
hope he wasn’t speeding. So come on, then, what’s his name?”
Jameson. It has a nice ring to it. Jessica Jameson—Frank, what do
you think? Your dad’s nodding, sweetheart; he likes it too.”
    God, with Darby
and Joan for parents, was it any wonder she was still single?
    “How old is
    “Er, I’m not
sure. He is an old school friend of Ewan Reid’s, so I guess he must
be around thirty-eight.”
    “Ewan Reid? As
in Ewan Reid the actor?”
    “Yes, Nora’s
just started dating him.”
    There was
another eruption as Marian shrieked this trivia across the living
room to Frank, who gave an unimpressed sounding grunt, and then her
voice grew suspicious. “Hmm, thirty-eight, you say, and he keeps
the company of celebrities? Has he been married before?”
    “I’m not
    “She’s not
sure, Frank—didn’t you ask him?”
    “It didn’t
really come up, Mum.”
    “Well, it
should have. Have I taught you nothing over the years? Be sure to
ask him next time you see him. If there are children from a past
relationship involved, you won’t have an easy time of it, my girl,
so think on.” She drew breath, not ready to give up on her
potential son-in-law just yet. “What exactly does he do?”
    “I already told
you he’s a property developer.”
    “Yes, I got
that but what property is it that he develops? I hope he’s not one
of these rogues we’re always reading about here that turf old
people out of their homes to make a quick buck.”
    Jess shook her
head. “Of course he’s not.”
    “So what does
he develop then?”
    “Um, I don’t
know…expensive property?”
    “Oh, for
goodness’ sake, Jessica, what on earth did you talk to him about
all night? Where does he live? Tell me that at least.”
    Jess cringed.
“Ah, not sure,” she squeaked, realising she didn’t know much about
Nick Jameson after all.
    “Well, when are
you seeing him again? Think very carefully before saying I

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