Dawn Autumn

Free Dawn Autumn by Interstellar Lover

Book: Dawn Autumn by Interstellar Lover Read Free Book Online
Authors: Interstellar Lover
... unless the alien had got him.
    She gulped. Surely not. She couldn’t deal with a giant cockroach at three AM, and certainly not without a mega size can of Raid. Fred was supposed to rescue her—that’s what men were for, smashing bugs and opening stuck jars.
    Just as she was biting her nails, trying to decide if she should call 911, Fred stepped out of her apartment and looked up at her. “Come on down. The place is empty.”
    Cautiously, she eased down the stairs, still gripping her bat, just in case. Ignoring Fred’s half smirk, she edged into her apartment, looking warily around.
    He slammed the door behind her, making her jump. “Like I said, they’re gone. Left an almighty mess in the bathroom, though.”
    Wide eyed, she glanced at him, tiptoed to the bathroom and peeked inside. It looked like something had dumped tobacco juice all over the toilet and half of the wall. She gagged as the smell hit her.
    Fred looked casually over her shoulder. “Must’ve eaten at a fast food joint. Probably couldn’t hold it in until the next pit stop.”
    “That does it.” She was starting to hyperventilate, which only drug the smell deeper into her insulted lungs. Slamming the bathroom door shut, she hurried into her room and rummaged in her closet for a duffle bag. “I’m leaving.”
    Fred considered her for a moment and then laid his rifle on the bed. He started to help her. “Good idea. You can move up to my place for the night.”
    Startled, then indignant, she rounded on him. “Oh, no. I’m not staying in this zoo another minute! You’re crazy if you think I’m going to stay with you.”
    He didn’t pause his packing, casually dumping her drawer of socks and underwear into her bag. “You ran right to me when you were in danger.”
    “So? I couldn’t run into the ally. Who knew who might be lurking down there at this time of morning? I couldn’t go running through the streets in my pajamas.”
    Shrugging his bare shoulders, Fred shoved some pants in her bag. “Get some shoes on and grab your guitar. You won’t want to leave it.”
    He grabbed her chin, not roughly, but his grip got her attention. Quietly, in a tone she’d never heard before, he ordered, “Get anything you can’t bear to leave. You’re not walking out of here alone, not tonight. You’re sleeping with me.”
    Her lips parted on a protest.
    “In my home, not my bed. Tonight, at least.” Releasing her, he stared her down until she grudgingly backed out of the room and got her guitar.
    “Tyrant,” she muttered under her breath, keeping a wary eye on the fridge. She tried not to think about that tiny part of her that was relived. It was rough and ready, but he was coming to her rescue. Granted, it looked like he wanted to seduce her at the earliest opportunity, but he hadn’t hesitated to search her apartment. If something did jump out of the fridge right now, she knew he’d jump to take it on. He was the type of guy to stand between her and danger, and she was smart enough to appreciate that.
    That was the only reason she was going with him.
    He came out of the bedroom with the duffle strap slung over one bare shoulder and the rifle in the other. “Ready?”
    She wasn’t, but she carried her guitar and amp up to his room anyway. Uneasiness swamped her as she set the amp down. Nothing about this felt natural.
    Fred strode in and dumped her bag at her feet. She hadn’t noticed he was barefoot until he pulled his boots on. Mercifully, he also grabbed a black t-shirt, but it didn’t seem to be for her benefit. With one glance at her, he went to the computer in the corner and flipped a switch. A glowing doorway blinked into being in front of the far wall.
    Until that moment, Jay hadn’t taken the whole alien thing completely in. It was a lot harder to dismiss with a glowing white portal, complete with elaborate arch, right before her eyes.
    Fred hit a few keys, then walked to her side and retrieved her bag.

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