Thursday (Timeless Series #4)

Free Thursday (Timeless Series #4) by E. L. Todd

Book: Thursday (Timeless Series #4) by E. L. Todd Read Free Book Online
Authors: E. L. Todd
clutch.” I walked back to the dining table and snatched it.
    Axel stared at me with a new expression. His playful attitude had disappeared and now he seemed morose. His fingertips touched his lap report but with a weak grip. “You have a date tonight…?”
    Now that he asked me face-to-face my answer was difficult to give. I thought I could detect the disappointment in his voice, the sadness. But that could just be wishful thinking. “Yeah.”
    “Oh…” He fidgeted with the papers.
    I stood there awkwardly, expecting him to say something else. When the silence lingered I thought I should say something but I couldn’t think of anything.
    “Well…have a good time.” He cleared his throat and turned his gaze to his assignment and studied it like he’d never looked at it before.
    “Good night.” I turned back to the doorway, my heels clanking against the hardwood floor.
    Axel didn’t say anything back.
    Cade was waiting on the doorstep, wearing jeans and a t-shirt. A black leather jacket covered most of his build from view. “Ready to go, beautiful?”
    “Yeah.” I shut the door behind me and wondered if Axel heard that last comment.
    Cade and I had a great time.
    We went to a sports bar and ordered greasy food with tons of beer. We made small talk about school and sports. Cade was getting his degree in business with a concentration in sports management. His dream was to be a sports agent.
    I told him about my dream to be a writer, and he seemed interested. A few hours went by until we were both stuffed and couldn’t eat anymore. We got into his truck and headed back to my place.
    Despite how well the night went, I couldn’t stop thinking about Axel. Did it bother him that I was on a date? Or was I seeing stuff that wasn’t really there? He’d probably been with tons of girls since we slept together, so I doubted I was on his mind in any capacity.
    Cade jerked the wheel a few times on the way home, and when he rounded the corner and he almost hit the curb I started to be concerned. “Cade, are you alright?”
    He stopped in front of my place and killed the engine. He had a sleepy look in his eyes, like he was halfway in dreamland. “You know…I think I had too much to drink. It kicked in on the way home.”
    At least he acknowledged it before he drove back to his place.
    “I know this is a terrible way to end our date but would you mind dropping me off? You can keep my truck and I’ll come back and get it tomorrow.”
    That was a lot of unnecessary work. “Why don’t you just sleep here and drive home in the morning?”
    He turned to me with a lazy grin. “There’s no way I’m saying no to that.”
    “I’m inviting you to sleep—nothing else.” I wasn’t sleeping with a drunk guy. I definitely wouldn’t be satisfied by the time we were done, and he’d probably fall asleep on top of me.
    He shrugged. “Whatever. Sharing a bed with a beautiful woman still sounds awesome to me.”
    “Then let’s go.” I hopped out of the truck and noticed Axel’s truck in the driveway. I was hoping he already went home but that was wishful thinking. He probably wouldn’t leave until I returned from my date to look after Francesca.
    I got the door unlocked and we walked inside.
    Axel and Francesca were sitting on the couch.
    “Hey.” I tossed my purse on the counter.
    Francesca hardly waved.
    Axel was the only one who turned around. He clearly expected me to be alone because his face fell when he realized Cade was with me. “Hey…”
    “We’re going to bed. Good night.” I walked down the hall with Cade close behind me.
    “I’m Cade, by the way.” He waved to Axel and Francesca before he followed me. “Nice to meet you.”
    We got into my bedroom and I changed into my pajamas in the closet. When I came back to bed he was already stripped down to his boxers. He had a nice body compacted with muscle. But it didn’t compare to Axel, not that I should be comparing.
    “I normally sleep in the

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